Can a recorded 2x12 run with a 4x12?


Feb 20, 2005
Well now that I'm resigned to get a new cab, I'm debating whether a better 2x12 (better than my Bogner) might be satisfactory under the mic compared with a 4x12. My thinking is, I NEED a 2x12 for live playing in smaller spaces, but if a good 4x12 would sound better than any 2x12 when mic'ed up in a studio I have no problem sucking it up and buying one of each. However, if I could get a 2x12 that would sound just as good recorded (the main problem with the Bogner was FIZZ), that would of course save me a boatload and make me happier as a result.

I'd prefer a vertical, so I'm looking at the Mesa and Engl vert. 2x12's, but horizontal could work too - after being so disappointed in the Bogner which was so highly recommended, I'm pretty much resigned to getting a 4x12 for tracking and a cheap 2x12 for live playing, but if anyone has CONCRETE EXPERIENCE recording a 2x12 and a 4x12, preferably by the same company, and having them sound similar, I'd definitely like to hear it!
Oh believe me, the speakers weren't the problem - they were V30s, and I A/B'ed it against a Mesa Oversized 4x12 (also w/ V30s, naturally), and the fizz was no more. Besides, the cab is already sold! :D