Anybody got HCD yet??

Originally posted by Monty
I just bought my copy :) And i can tell you that this album fucking rocks your cocks :) allthough, this copyprotecion is stupid

How does the copyprotection work? Can you play the cd in the computer but not rip it to mp3 or cant you even play the cd?
There are protected .wma files on that cd, but computer cannot find audiotracks from cd. Works fine, but cannot rip to mp3.
After all, that wasnt so special protection, i've already hacked it :) but for _personal use_ only.
Originally posted by tempestadiossa
I can't control it anymore
I see the red light more and more"

But hell, yeah, there's no point in hating you if YOU DON'T GIVE A FUCK IF I HATE YOU! ( :catchy guitar solo: )

:lol: :lol:
I don't give a hate if you fuck me??? :confused: