
whatsinaname said:
Same here, i'd never get a band tatooed on me, especially if you are young, 'cause think about how many bands you have already "loved" now have lost interest, just something to ponder

And that "Hate 4 Ever" one, sounds fucking stupid to me, why not just get a giant cartoon penis on your back, at least there is a little more to it. Come on man, that's ridiculous.

MOuAhAHAH:p I Agree
Hmmm... If I ever get a tattoo, it'll be something I'll always love. Therefore, it should be a tattoo of the head of my cat Tarja. But I don't think the tattooist will do it right, because:

1/ it is beautiful.
2/ it means something.

Everybody believes and bows to things they are used to, so I wont judge nobody even if they would tattoo a gigand dick on their forehead. Thats their own choice, so we can laugh at them at least.

But there are always temporary tattoos, for the fisrst time I would get a tattoo thats disapears after 3 months of sth, and if I really liked it Id get myself a pernament one.
My friend had a tattoo like that, it disapeared after 2months or sth, there was no pain, no skin matters and everything went fine. She wanted a tattoo for the summer and she got it.

Dounno how it works really, but it exist.

Anyway u cant be a real metalhead if ya dont want to stick a real ink into ya :)
I have one tattoo on my back, it´s a eddie of the world slavery tour, (he´s breaking the chains with his lips)...

And I´m planning to do the hand of SW, but firstly I need to found a good tatoo maker!!!
I'm gonna have METAL SALIERI on my back, with some gothic tracery elements (which I'm drawing myself) around the words. Can't wait to get it done!
i eventually want to get an elaborate tattoo...

realistic looking rusted barbed wire wrapped all the way down my left arm to the back of my hand where it then attaches to an inverted cross with flames shooting up my wrist from it. the barbed wire would also go past my shoulder to my back where it would wrap around an inverted pentegram [Slayer style] with swords. it would have rusted chains hanging from it as well.
In about 6 months (have to get the money), Im gonna get an angel that takes up my entire back.. with desert eagles (the pistol) in her hands, big wings on it, and it will be black and white, except the feathers which will fade from dark to light blue... will prolly get some feathers falling down my back as well.
hail dudes!

I spent 9 Hours in the chair for my right arm flames, Then got up onstage and supported - destruction.... The moral to this story is don;t do it the day of a show - :tickled:
There was blood all over my BC Rich beast!, still a little fresh - :hypno:

I passed out at about the 6th hour of the work ( mostly due to no food), it fuckin' killed :hotjump: - But was worth it -

Your can see it here
go to the who are we section -

I recommend drugs! hahah I am getting full Bio-mechanics on the underside of my arm and no way is it getting done sober....

However, for those thinking of getting some work done, See the actual work first if possible instead of looking at a book. I was fortunate to find an incredible artist - some are not.
