Children Of Bodom Tattoos?


New Metal Member
May 9, 2013
I love tattoos but only 3 bands made their way into my skin.

This are my bodom related tattoos:

I got this reaper the first time i saw them live, got the number of my ticket also (701)


Needled 24/7 tattoo (the skull with the needle). It also has the Metallica's Sanitarium lyric written down below (Leave me be)


Do you have any or have seen any? I've seen some really bad ones.
That's awesome dude, I really like the interpretation of Needled 24/7!

This is my COB tat


And I also have the web too and Alexi's snake tattoo...
Thank you sir!

Your tattoo is really well done, looks amazing. That picture is right after it was done right? Because it looks so black. If you have any after the healing process it would be awesome to see! Also i like how the scythe closes the tattoo, amazing work!
Thank you sir!

Your tattoo is really well done, looks amazing. That picture is right after it was done right? Because it looks so black. If you have any after the healing process it would be awesome to see! Also i like how the scythe closes the tattoo, amazing work!

Yeah man the same day. I'll take one and post up in a bit.
Yeah that was just pen messing about but I was sitting there one day thinking yeah that'd be a good idea to get it for real. It bloody hurt and I still love it.
I've got Roundtrip to hell and back, a modified reaper on my lower arm with him crushing the earth. I'm gonna take All Twisted and something like hellhounds on my trail in the future.
nice tattoo that hate me one. but kinda weird that the snake supposed to be an wedding ring in the first place. and do you think that the spider web is cob-related :D