

New Metal Member
Jan 10, 2010
I wanted to check out within the fan site if there was anyone else that had made a tattoo tribute to CoB, I just made mine on my leg 4 days ago from the cover of something wild, where the reaper stretches out with his hand, going to upload a picture soon because I think it looks really nice! :)

/newly joined Bodom lover

Why do you want to upload pics of it anyway? :D do you think anyone wants to see them ?
cool tattoo! i wanted to make one in my forearm saying C.O.B. or something like that...
It's called sarcasm. Though to be honest I think you should get a full portrait of Alexi on your chest.
or just Y-A-O-W on each hand. I mean, liek wulexi one letter on each finger.
I'm thinking of adding a COB themed tattoo to my slowly growing collection, but I don't want to copy something exactly.
Perhaps I'll find a way to have the influence of COB there without having it blatantly obvious.
I was thinking of getting a quote from one of their songs, but it is hard to find one that actually makes any fucking sense :p

I want one from an earlier album, like Hatebreeder, but I don't really know..

I like the one in my sig. - that is an option. I also like the one from Hate Me!:

"The reaper's scythe I fall upon to light my path"
Getting a band related tattoo is quite a bad idea in my opinion, especially if it's a band that you've been listening for just a short time. After few years when you don't listen the band anymore, it's probably annoying to have to carry that tattoo for the rest of your life.
Getting a band related tattoo is quite a bad idea in my opinion, especially if it's a band that you've been listening for just a short time. After few years when you don't listen the band anymore, it's probably annoying to have to carry that tattoo for the rest of your life.

Well for me Bodom introduced me to Metal, like if it wasn't for them bla bla bla. So in theory they shaped the person I am today. That is enough of a tattoo for me but it makes sense that people would get a COBHC tattoo. Even if you outgrow the band, Alexi/COB would still be one of your biggest inspirations (in my situation) so the tattoo fits. Just my opinion
I don't see this really in "older" metal fans. I'm proud to say I have a Slayer tattoo. I was never really worried about deciding one day that "hey, slayer sucks now", and regretting ever getting the tattoo. Granted I've been jamming out to Slayer for 10 years now. I would say it's a terrible idea if you have only recently discovered them(say, you haven't been listening to them for 5+ years), because the example you posted is extremely likely.

I've been thinking about getting a CoB tattoo for a while now, but I want two things from it. One being that you can tell it's a CoB tattoo, and two being that you can tell by something other than having their name/acronym spelled out. I'm saying another fan could tell pretty easily, and would immediately recognize it if I pointed it out, not that some Fallout Boy fan could tell if they saw it. God Forbid that day come, I may have to sever the limb off.
The next One I have an idea for is Amon Amarths newest album's cover. That shit is monumentously epic, I'm just too much of a poon to go through with having an album cover....cover most of my body. Mastodon is the shit though(THE SHIT, not shit).
ha. i have a lamb of god tatttoo.
who knows maybe ill get a cob one.
they pretty fantastic.

and i think. tattoos will remind a person of who they are or were at certain point in time.
my tattoos are are part of who i am now, and they're parts of who i will always be.
The only band tattoos that aren't inherently stupid are when the band in question is your own.

At least that's my opinion, and I'm generally all for tattoos.