Saw - Jigsaw and Tattoos


New Metal Member
Nov 25, 2006
I just noticed that the reaper on Hatebreeder looks a lot like Jigsaw from Saw, with the robe and everything. Look at the faces.

And while were on the topic of album covers:

How many of us here have Tattoo's? I might be getting a Tattoo soon and have always liked the reaper on the Something Wild cover, but if I were to get that Tattoo'd, it would totally be like copying Alexi. I have also given thought about the FTR's Reaper. Anybody here have any reaper related tattoo's?



considering that saw came out way after Hatebreeder...
wtf is your point?

And no... they really don't look that similar.

My point is they look similar, and I noticed. Someone pointed out that FTR's Reaper has six fingers, I noticed that HB's reaper looks like Jigsaw.

Sorry for pissing everyone off, and I asked if anyone has reaper related tattoo's, that doesn't only apply to Reapers on COB albums :Smug:
-[chop]-;5834825 said:
I would never ever tattoo a bands name/logo on my body so no....

yeah same here.

Not only do I think it's a stupid idea, I remember this one guy on another forum who had Iron Maiden's Fear Of The Dark album art covering his whole back, and it just looked so :erk:

don't get me wrong though that cover is awesome still, just not as a tattoo
How can there be an optical illusion? It was drawn wasn't it? Maybe it was put in as a joke :) hehe

Ok, sorry if I made it bad but... I hope it can help a little... otherwise, sorry that I can't do anything better. :)

Do you see, now? He has just 5 fingers... the sixth finger appears like an optical illusion due to light and shade mixed together... :)
yeah same here.

Not only do I think it's a stupid idea, I remember this one guy on another forum who had Iron Maiden's Fear Of The Dark album art covering his whole back, and it just looked so :erk:

don't get me wrong though that cover is awesome still, just not as a tattoo

Omg :erk: yeah it is a nice cover...but never as a tattoo :)

@Guided By The Pinball Map :lol:
Your username is too emo for this forum.... get out.

You obviously don't understand my username, as it is a personal joke to me, and I am in no way suicidal. I don't understand yours either, so there is no need to make fun.

If you hate "emo" by which I am assuming you associate suicidal people with, hence you making fun of my username, why do you like Children of Bodom? Alexi cut himself regularly and tried to commit suicide. A little ironic don't you think?

And no, I did not get any tattoo's, I am just saying I like the cover art of Something Wild, it would look cool as a tattoo. As you can see on Alexi, it looks cool. I would like to get a tattoo of a reaper, but not from an album cover. :Smug:

If this thread is upsetting everyone I don't mind it being closed. I just asked a question. :lol:
I feel sorry for you if you don't know a very popular In Flames song.

I also feel sorry for you if you think that its ironic that i hate emo's even though alexi used to cut himself. Note the words "USED TO"... and he's also stated what a dumb fucking idiot he was for doing it. CoB doesn't sing about suicide or anything close to it... so i'm going to like their music regardless. stfu.

Yawn. I feel sorry you judge people by their musical tastes. No, I haven't heard a very popular In Flames song, maybe because of what I have heard, I have decided I do not like In Flames.

I don't even feel sorry you judge people by their usernames, I don't even care. Do you know my friend Hugh? No. Do you know he and my other buddy made a joke band called Suicidal Brick? No. But at least you know why I have this, I agree, stupid username. But at least it's not a songname, a song which you will probably not like in a year or two.