If you fucking love a band, and want to get a tattoo, then do it. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. 90% of the people on here are fucking elitists anyway who only like the debut album from like 5 bands and thats it. Just think about it before you do it thats all.
The thing about it is even if you end up not liking the band, you DID at that point, so it's kind of a reflection of who you were at that time and what you were into.
But go for it dude, if you really like bodom. I just don't suggest getting the band name, just get a logo that people wouldn't know what it meant unless they were a bodom fan. Personally I like the reaper silhoutettes as the link hovers on cobhc.com and I may get one of those in the future. I'm also getting an in flames tattoo half soon, but just the jester and no band name.