New Sinergy Album?

ok, let's get back on topic shall we? :)


Woh, just too much text to quote, so i'll just add some stuff that i came up with while reading through the page.

As Muffin said, Alexi was close to being a virtuoso, even if people have different opinions as what considerates a virtuoso.

Also, Altitudes - ""Oh my god, Alexi is getting sloppy, can't play shit" Who fucking cares!"

I do infact care, that's why i brought it up.

I can't really understand why you went on with this rant, it's a matter of taste. But when someone says he plays just as good as he used to, that person can't differenciate taste from facts. I enjoy Bodom still, but i would enjoy them even more if Alexi kept practicing the guitar like he used too, the music is just as good to me though.

I own... four guitars, and a marshall stack.

Is that going to make you a better guitar player? I bet Kerry King owns ten times that.

I own alexi's signature esp.

Look at the previous comment.

I play live gigs around town.

I play with a band.

People are pretty naive to guitar technique, so this doesn't say anything.

and before you say it, yes i practice regularly.

I have a friend who has played longer than me, and practices regularly. His technique suffices for what he does, play metal riffs, but it's pretty shitty.

what you're expecting is a perfect show. there is no such thing. you should really get yourself a gig and then afterwards see if you can truly, honestly say, "i had a perfect performance." even an album isn't ever perfect. but that doesn't mean don't be satisfied with what you've accomplished. TW, SK, whatever, they're both kickass performances. so he missed a note. that's like saying, "my guitar got a tiny nick on it, time to throw it out its worthless.".

I already told you what i expected, it's consisency in your playing, not a perfect show.
Is that going to make you a better guitar player? I bet Kerry King owns ten times that.

Look at the previous comment.

People are pretty naive to guitar technique, so this doesn't say anything.

I have a friend who has played longer than me, and practices regularly. His technique suffices for what he does, play metal riffs, but it's pretty shitty.

i listed all that NOT to prove anything in terms of guitar technique, but becuase it was YOU who claimed the only reason i couldn't understand your point of view is because I wasn't a musician (the elitist musician attitude). Now that you clearly can't fall back on that, you just seek to assume that I am obviously incompetent. Your arrogance knows no bounds.

However, getting back on topic, on Sinergy's myspace it listed this as the fourth album's name:
* Sins of the Past (2006)

I'm not sure if this is a recent update, because I don't check up on sinergy -too- often but hey, its something.
i listed all that NOT to prove anything in terms of guitar technique, but becuase it was YOU who claimed the only reason i couldn't understand your point of view is because I wasn't a musician (the elitist musician attitude). Now that you clearly can't fall back on that, you just seek to assume that I am obviously incompetent. Your arrogance knows no bounds.

You're right.

However, getting back on topic, on Sinergy's myspace it listed this as the fourth album's name:
* Sins of the Past (2006)

I'm not sure if this is a recent update, because I don't check up on sinergy -too- often but hey, its something.

I'm not sure that's their official myspace, if they even have one. So it could just be rumours.
I think we'll have to wait for a long time before the new Sinergy album is released. I think CoB has top-priority to Alexi atm so the new Sinergy album won't be released untill at LEAST a year (chances are it's going to take longer) after Bodom's next studio effort (so they can tour and shit for their new CD)

I do think the new album (indeed titled Sins of the Past) will be released at some point, we'll just have to be very patient.