The last thread about Sinergy

i think if Kim wants Sinergy to work she'd better get a new line up
cant say Sinergy would still sound the same though
i'm annoyed the new album isnt out yet
i was expecting some new songs at bloodstock 04 but nope
by the way Sinergy were about to play a different version of lead us to war
but had to cut to the last song due to time restraints
just wondering if anyone ever heard it?
and to cheer some people up
and me to your msn for unseen sinergy tabs (
i've had them for ages and told Gavin i'd give them to him so make sure he gets em as i no longer know if he uses his msn add
i'm not going into why i havent got these tabs out to yous lot before
add me anyway
i have other tabs too of warmen
i must also add that i will only be online for the next few days
at some point or another
i mean unseen as i tabbed them and no one has seen them minus myself
first album dude, Swarmed, Midnight Madness, Pulsation, i have bits of others also. i know some of them have been tabbed before
but without sounding like i think too much of myself
i believe my tabs are some of the best you will come across
but thats not to say they are 100% correct
i mean unseen as i tabbed them and no one has seen them minus myself
first album dude, Swarmed, Midnight Madness, Pulsation, i have bits of others also. i know some of them have been tabbed before
but without sounding like i think too much of myself
i believe my tabs are some of the best you will come across
but thats not to say they are 100% correct

Dude, check out the TAB THREAD, top notch job done by the best tabber, <-Warheart->. Seriously man, check them out (first page) to see if yours are still better :lol:
fuck, that guys been busy
i dont have guitar pro on the pc im using right now
so i cant check em out unfor
so i guess no one wants mine lol
well for anyone who does, lemme know
sorry for not checking out the other thread first, i havent been on here in ages
and i dont have a fucking clue whats going on
the only reason i tab shit is cause i trust my own ear over anybody elses
even though i know bugger all theory. full of myself eh
ill stop talking now as this is getting off topic
well if Sinergy is to release a new album with the old lineup, I think it's unlikely to happen anytime soon right? Now Alexi is busy with CoB and stuff...

IF they release a new album next year (2008) it's unlikely to happen before CoB's new album tour is we're in for a long wait no matter what...
who knows what will happen ,but when you see that COB's album has been recorded now and it'll be released in April (if not later),I can't avoid thinking that if Sins Of The Past doesn't appear or we don't get relevant news in the meantime(it's about 5 months between recorgind and relasing more or less,and COB won't start the world tour until the album is out)we will have to forget about it forever.which will be really bad,but Suicide By My Side was relased on 2002,and when COB end their world tour (which isn't likely to be before 2009) it'll have been 7 fucking years since then,and this is twice as they took to release their 3 previous albums,so as I said,if any relevant new or sth comes out before Blooddrunk is out,I'll almost give up with Sins Of The Past(hope is the last to be lost,but....)
fuck, that guys been busy
i dont have guitar pro on the pc im using right now
so i cant check em out unfor
so i guess no one wants mine lol
well for anyone who does, lemme know
sorry for not checking out the other thread first, i havent been on here in ages
and i dont have a fucking clue whats going on
the only reason i tab shit is cause i trust my own ear over anybody elses
even though i know bugger all theory. full of myself eh
ill stop talking now as this is getting off topic

I would like to see your Sinergy tabs.

Please upload them to and post the links in my Tab Thread. Thankyou.

Alexi & Roope, get your fuckin' asses in "Sinergy writing mode" as soon as you've toured the new album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sinergy changed my view of music and soloing, it truly showed us what Alexi and Roope were capable of (I wonder if they still are)...