SINERGY replaces new bassist (Mel)!

Originally posted by bassbitch
Mommyyyyy... where's fluffyyyyyyy????

Awwww... I'd never hurt Mischa the Kissa.... He's how I survived two long months away from my feline brood.

On the Metallica note :D

Mel, what are your plans? I have a position open here at work I think you might be able to do. I don't have any MAC openings though. Let me know if you want me to help you out.

In the meantime, please go to and get your resume posted ASAP.
Kimberly, if you are going to dissect Smylex's post bit by bit, do us all a favor and do so in a PRIVATE MESSAGE to him as anything further on this subject will not prove anything but bitter intent. Anyone wanting to carry this pissing contest on with comments that may end up hurting others, please refrain or do so privately. This is getting out of hand. These forums were a happy place. I think we all get it that our opinions differ, but at the end of the day, it works out for the better for everyone involved. You have your tour, Los Angeles has Mel back. So be it.
Hi all,

I don't post here much, and unfortunately I live on the East Coast so I have to limit my Maidens experiences to the sound clips here, but I think taking a page from Maiden would be cool here.....Maiden has broken the 5 member format with an extra guitarist, how about a few shows with 2 bassists?? From what I've read, Mel and Wanda would probably compliment each other pretty well and well...isn't 2 'arrys better than one???

Mel, good luck to you.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEk ...yes...Linda...Kimberly...Mel...Smylex,time to put this to rest...I agree. It wasn't a fit. Let's all get over it and move on. I for one have butted in when I shouldn't.

Thank you Kimberly for not jumping on Smylex. He cares for Mel deeply as do I. It really pains me that Mel's dream of touring with you wasn't able to materialize, especially now that we've replaced her with Wanda.

But I have to stop and look at what I respect most about Melanie and that is the fact that she's never afraid to go for it, balls out and take chances (not only with Sinergy but with everything in her life). Many people have talent but not the determination to take risks and tend to let themselves get talked out of persuing their dreams. Not our Melsy. She sees something she wants and she goes for it with all her heart and soul...That takes integrity and guts. You have my respect and admiration, sweet one.

So, no more bad vibes....

bad vibes=bad karma:cool:
Originally posted by Kimberly Sinergy
This really sux, but since you're so eager for answers, I'll give them to you if you really want them. Unfortunately the answers you seek will end up hurting Mel. This really blows, but you're very ignorant to the situation so I can enlighten you because your "grapevine" is full of shit. I'll dissect your post and answer you on every point, just say the word. Ask yourself first, is it worth it? If you're really Mel's friend you would let this die which is exactly what she wants.

Kimberly, if you wish to, you may. Be advised that I've taken the post down. Of course, it can be difficult to correct the damage once the grenade has gone off.

I've never been known for being tactful. :p Look at what I have written under my username, if you don't believe me! I've also been known to be rather defensive of the ladies in The Maidens (and other friends in general). Ask the girls. They've seen the bruises I've gotten at their shows.
Actually, Bob is only playing the bass for the album tracks. He doesn't want to do the tour.

Besides, that's my job! :p
I've been away for a couple of days, so this was kind of a shock to see upon my return...

I owe you a hug next time we meet, Heiress!

Bands are like marriages, it requires a special chemistry for it to work out. I anxiously await the next hoop Mel chooses to jump through!
I guess I've been out of it... I didn't know about this until now.

Mel, I'm sure you're more than happy to return to beautiful sunny Southern California. COME-ON! You can't beat this place... the land of opportunity. Not to mention there's a huge shortage of good bass players in this town.

As far as bass skills go... please! We've all seen you blast through Maiden & New Eden songs with style and ease. You'll be multi-tasking music projects in no time. Hurry up & come back... before you get frost bite. You don't want to miss the Halloween/Christmas thang at Disneyland.


SoCal = Happiness (Kozmos HBC 8/2/02)
Be Metal & Prosper!
I know I'm late to the table here but I want to chime in.

First off, who do Sinergy think they are, Rush?

Second, you just don't say that shit in a press release! Just say musical differences and leave it at that. No one ever elaborates when a member leaves a band. That's the height of unprofessional.

Third, I don't buy it. How could they not figure out if she'd be a fit well in advance before disrupting her life? Something is fishy.

Well, welcome back to warm socal, Mel. Just in time for El Nino. :)