Anybody have any generic deathcore/metalcore stems they could share?

I've tried searching, yielded no good results. Do not want the NSGUITAR song, I'm looking for something a bit heavier.

You see, I am trying to mix this band's EP for free, as a favor. I am okay with this.
However a member among them is really butthurt for no good reason about this, even though I am offering it for free. Otherwise, they've spent around $300 recording their EP with an inexperienced engineer and they don't like the result at all. For some reason, the engineer only recorded one guitar track for each song. It's centered. They didn't track to a tempo either. I was dumbfounded.

In short, one of the members is a friend of mine and is set on having me mix it for them. But the butthurt one is against it because he is irrational and I want to avoid a conflict so my friend doesn't have to deal with any more of this fella's BS.

The butthurt one won't accept my other mixes as "good quality" just because the drums sound inhuman. I only have my band's mixes to offer as examples. We play technical death metal and the drums are crazy and [unfortunately] programmed. I'm not very good at humanizing.

However, he enjoyed the "Jace Thomas sample" on this page:

I personally don't like the guitar tone at all on the sample on that page. Doesn't sound good to me. So I've concluded that the butthurt one would enjoy my production and be convinced that I'm the one to mix their EP if I could show him an example wherein the music is generic deathcore.

After all, he is a guitarist, who knows nothing about music production. I'm convinced he has trouble finding the difference between good production and [what he thinks is] good music.

Can anybody help me out?