Anybody old enough to remember when Michael Jackson was cool?


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Yeah I totally listened to him when I was 7 and shit, before everyone knew he was a peepee toucher. Anyhow, I heard P.Y.T. last night and I was shocked at how good that song still is, I can't remember the last time I heard it. Funky, catchy, great vocal delivery, and probably some crazy androgynous video to go with it that I've long forgotten.

We already know where this thread is going, don't anybody fail to reveal their stereotype now, ya hear? :dopey:
the timeless structures of pretty much every song off of Thriller is pure genius ...

i mean, do you ever see what happens in a club when Billie Jean or Beat It comes on?
He was my hero. When i was 10 i was selected with about some other 20 kids to dance with him on stage at a gig that was supposed to happen here. It was cancelled. Thank God.
I still believe the guy was a pop god. Or poop god, whatever suits you better.
Yeah, I pretty much used to worship him too [/GAY]. If I had to choose a pop artisit to listen to, it would still easily be him.
i heard a michael jackson song the other day in some random setting and it just struck me how much better it was than the stuff on the radio today

don't make 'em like they used to eh
Indeed he is. And for whatever reason, i never got into Michael Jackson. There were a few minutes in the early years of MTV when I was fascinated by the Thriller video.. but nah.
:lol: ... this is what I got when searching google for "screaming teenage girls"

Moonwalker the arcade game was a classic. Used to spend all my allowance quarters on that.

And then there was that time they aired the Michael Jackson Claymation video special on TV, and my whole family gathered around to watch. All I remember was it was like the california raisins, only with rabbits and motorcycle races through the desert.

Those were the days.

But then there was the fateful day that MJ showed up on tv in the Oprah interview and was suddenly a white guy.. one of the more tragic moments of my childhood.