TNT Jackson Apologize

Jack-Jack Jackson

New Metal Member
Dec 29, 2004
Cleveland-based thrash innovators TNT Jackson have apologized for throwing a bottle of "unidentified liquid" at Indiana Pacer Ron Artest Friday, November 19, sparking a game-ending melee that resulted in record supsensions for four Pacers players.

"That was my bad," said TNTJ drummer Jack-Jack Jackson. "I shouldn't have done it. I apologize to the all the people that Ron Artest punched in the face. If I knew he was gonna go nuts on you like that, I totally wouldn't have done it. But dude, seriously, that's no way to act, beating up fans. If someone would boo at one of our songs -- which, by the way, has never happened -- I wouldn't necessarily beat their ass. It's a bad reflection on the way your parents raised you. You drop fifty bones on a ticket, that's not what you're looking for."

TNT Jackson were in the Detroit area showing poseur candy-asses how it's really done.

Asked why he threw the bottle at Artest in the first place, Jack-Jack responded, "I threw the bottle -- this is important -- at the timekeeping table. Which, normally, does not have an NBA player lying on it. Coulda happened to anybody."

TNTJ Axe man, Michael "Not THAT Michael" Jackson added that the drummer is going to get a "good talking to" and, if the band had any live gigs scheduled, could face a three-show suspension. Michael added that Artest and the Pacers should "be more like LeBron. He seems like a decent dude. He's been to some of our shows and never punched anybody -- even when they stepped on his Nikes."

"Like they said on SportsCenter," added Michael. "Artest wanted time off to work on his rap album. Now he's got it."

Seldom heard from Bass player Farrel Jackson added, "By the way, does Ron Artest have a sister?"

TNT Jackson