Random thought

Oblivious Maximus

I am the worm
Nov 5, 2003
Serving time in the middle of nowhere
I may be a little late, but who cares? I don't know what you have to do to go to jail in America nowadays. The bronco had blood on it, Robert Blake had a gun on him, Michael Jackson had a kid on him! Michael Jackson should have been smart. Insted of turning white, he should have turned Catholic, that way he would have just been transford. Where else but in America could a poor black kid grow up to be a rich white woman? Now he's free! Free to play with Bubbles. Actually, found out in court testimony Jackson got rid of bubbles when he was a teenager. He seems to do that with most kids as well. They're to old!
Michael Jackson could have fucked every single kid in the world and eaten half of them, yet no jury would dare lock him up, that´s my point of view. But I can´t really say whether he was guilty or not.