anyone a little amused by people that don't know the deal with damnation?

shivering corpse

Ty Cobbb
Sep 20, 2002
I think it's cool that people are liking it that might not usually listen to Opeth and what not, but it's also kind of funny when people are like WHAT'S THE DEAL?!
I guess it's because most of us have known about the who deliverance/damnation thing since like the middle of last year, knowing that one will be heavy, and one will be mellow.
It's just funny when it seems like a reviewer or someone has no clue about it, I just wonder where the hell they've been.

on a side note, hard boiled eggs abound.
lol im amused by that as well. im also amused by the amount of people that dont know whether they are going to the deliverance or damnation tour :D damnation tour hasnt even been announced yet, any dates on the opeth site are for deliverance.
Planet Sound, the music section of Channel 4 Teletext in the UK rated Deliverance as their best metal album of last year, they couldn't stop going on about how brilliant the band are.

But they've just reviewed Damnation, and panned it.
I think the words were something like "What ever possessed them to record this" etc....

Obviously totally oblivious to the whole Deliverance/Damnation relationship!
What's the big deal with one mellow and one heavy?
It's a nice idea but it's not gonna change the face of metal or anything
manuelgv said:
What's the big deal with one mellow and one heavy?
It's a nice idea but it's not gonna change the face of metal or anything
Well its not so much of it being a big deal its the fact that its performed by a band that knows how to do a mellow and heavy record in there own unique way with very intersting results. Thats what the rave is about.

Of course not everyone is going to find the mellow album interesting because lets just face it, not everyone likes this style of music as in a style of music that reflects 70's prog rock and various other softer rock bands from that era. Whats really funny to me is that some people actually thought that the objective of Damnation was to be some complex/technical prog-rock record which was not the intention at all. It was meant to be an ambient/emotive prog rock album, therefore you can't really compare it to to current rock releases like Porcupine Tree's "In Absentia" (which many people here have the tendency of doing) there just two releases that completely differ from one another. An album like Damnation has to be simple if its main focus is to place you in a emotive state of mind, and thats exactly what Opeth did. If it had been rhythmically technical it wouldn't of had the same effect.

I haven't downloaded Damnation yet,and won't,but I heard a song when I was at the record store "In my time of need" I think it was because I heard Mikael singing that,and it sounded just like PT to me on their song "A smart kid",maybe not the music but the voice sounded just like it.
I don't know what to expect from this album
A smart kid is problably my favourite PT song so I can´t wait for Damnation