Anyone else digging the latest releases from Amorphis?

Although I haven't heard the new album, Amorphis are one of my favorite bands of all time. "Elegy" and "Tuonela" are undisputed masterpieces. And although I prefer Pasi to Tomi, they are still mesmerizing live with those 70's Prog guitar/keyboard stylings of theirs.

They've played the PP Europe before, so the U.S sounds good to me...
Well...all I can say is back in 95 i got Tales from The Thousand Lakes, not really knowing who they were (buy many things based on covers or titles) and...well....i though it really sucked...reeeeeaaallly sucked..and still do as I played it last year after talk of their then new album.....though did not listen to any of the newer stuff.

Well.....just listened to the clips for the new album and really like what I hear. Probably pick it up in the near future (put it on the "list").

...but still won't play Tales again.....just something to take up a spot in the "A" section of my cd's (as I tend to throw nothing away, hence my copy of a Ray Davies solo album among many others questionables).