anyone else notice this about rhapsody?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
...some of the riffs are black metal-ish? i just noticed now... listen to the opening of the song Knightrider Of Doom.... now i could totally see emperor playing that... sure more distortion and not the choruses and orchestra hits and such, but just listen to the guitar...

i shall now listen to all of this CD and see if i find more instances...
I think I was too busy digging my way out of the massive pile of cheese dumped on me when I put the cd on to notice the black metal influences.
Originally posted by IanDork107
I think I was too busy digging my way out of the massive pile of cheese dumped on me when I put the cd on to notice the black metal influences.
you know what the best part of rhapsody is? the spoken word sections!

bad english+bad narrator+cheezy content==laugh-a-roni

"The power of the dragonflame was realizing what had only been IMPOSSIBLE"

"Oh goddd... oh god... Dargor... he did it!"

and many more i can only half-remember...
I especially enjoy thay part of Symphony of the Enchanted Lands, where he takes farewell of his dragon... it's so....sad.... :lol:

I start laughing just thinking of it... his sobbing.... omfg.... hahahahahaha :lol: :lol: :lol:
rhapsody rule so much.

its ultra cheese,and thats why its so good.there melodies rule!
yeah... i don't think people can get over the cheese enough to actually hear some of the stuff going on hehe i agree, they must be the cheesiest band in the world, but i was talking about the gyutar riffs, you god damn ass ramming douche bags haha not one person even mentioned them in this thread except for me.
i think rhapsody's riffs and melodies are good for what they are, but theyre very angular and rigid. I guess that's just their style. I like the band (listened to them a lot in france last summer with a friend), i just think its funny how THEY get labeled "progressive" metal, when theres stuff out there a lot more inventive.

but thats neither here nor there, is it Dargor...

p.s.-- i heard a rumour they were making their next TEN albums about lord of the rings. Is it true? anyone know?
Stinkfist-- exactly, haha, i hate to it say it but whoever does the narration sounds like a fruity american

in the words of seinfeld: "not that theres anything wrong with that", hehe, but it ups the ante for laughter ;'D