Is anyone else annoyed by this? (Solos in TDF and GL.)


Aug 16, 2003
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I remember Mike saying (in an interview) that the alternate version of the solo in The Drapery Falls was created when he totally forgot what he was doing live one time. It's pretty cool that he saved himself and played something different, but I don't see why he has to play a different version now. Same with Godhead's Lament. I don't know if he screwed up while playing that, but now both songs have incredibly cheesy solos with really lame bends in them. Especially the one in Godhead's Lament. Opeth isn't a big solo band; I'd like to actually hear something good when a solo comes around. Listen to TDF and GL live if you forget; The bends in the solos are so cheesy. I hate them.
i don't think so...i kind of like to see something different live anyway...and what particular show or shows are you talking about? is it in the solo on the dvd on tdf?
Opeth's solos don't really stand out to me as anything particularly exceptional, but that's not their point. They add to the atmosphere of each song, live as well as in the studio. I never noticed the "cheesiness" of these solos at Opeth shows or on bootlegs, but that's probably because of what I just said.
KennonKun said:
I remember Mike saying (in an interview) that the alternate version of the solo in The Drapery Falls was created when he totally forgot what he was doing live one time. It's pretty cool that he saved himself and played something different, but I don't see why he has to play a different version now. Same with Godhead's Lament. I don't know if he screwed up while playing that, but now both songs have incredibly cheesy solos with really lame bends in them. Especially the one in Godhead's Lament. Opeth isn't a big solo band; I'd like to actually hear something good when a solo comes around. Listen to TDF and GL live if you forget; The bends in the solos are so cheesy. I hate them.

quit crying...
Orchid has some really nice soloing, so i dont know where you are going with that. Anyways, I dont think any solo should be improvised unless it sucks or the player can improvise very well. I havent heard mike just jamming out with solos off the top of his head so i cant really judge him or peter. Some people are good, some arent. The studio versions are solos that are created over time, and most of the time they should not be changed. The drapery solo should have been changed because the first part is just repeated for no reason, so i like the live solo. Changing the godheads lament solo was a mistake in my opinion. It sounded great, maybe mike just didnt like to play it or something. It does bug me, but not enough to say anything.
I believe Opeth has some really great solos (White Cluster for example is one of the best I've ever heard) but it would be very interesting to see them incorporate more when they play live, or change them up by improvising, but Peter Lindergrin is not too much into improvisation (I read that in an interview).
Mike said in that interview that when the Martins and him jam together it always turns into blues, and I don't think that'd work well with stuff like 'Blackwater Park' or 'The Drapery Falls'. Think about it. I believe however, that they could improvise some really cool stuff to riffs they already had written. I'd like to hear that alternate version of 'The Drapery Falls'.
ethereallights said:
I believe Opeth has some really great solos (White Cluster for example is one of the best I've ever heard) but it would be very interesting to see them incorporate more when they play live, or change them up by improvising, but Peter Lindergrin is not too much into improvisation (I read that in an interview).
Mike said in that interview that when the Martins and him jam together it always turns into blues, and I don't think that'd work well with stuff like 'Blackwater Park' or 'The Drapery Falls'. Think about it. I believe however, that they could improvise some really cool stuff to riffs they already had written. I'd like to hear that alternate version of 'The Drapery Falls'.

Peter's solos are good, but they all sound the same to me. They're all just little noodling. Mike throws in bends and sweeps, but Peter's are very linear

but I'm not complaining
I LOVED the album version of the solo in The Drapery Falls. I thought it was really cool how the beginning repeated. Know why? Because Opeth tends to jump around a lot in their songs, playing one riff then the next, I thought it was cool to hear them pace themselves at the beginning of the solo and play something a couple times. It feels more fluid that way. I love the album version of the solo in Godhead's Lament, as well. The live version has an incredibly cheesy bend in it that drives me crazy.
The point to a solo varies from band to band...

Some bands write solos the same time they write the song, as a means to express something or add something to the song that wouldnt have been there otherwise.

Some bands use solos to improvise and express what theyre feeling at the time of playing the song...not all bands do this, for improvisational talent isnt in everyone.

Some bands do a bit of both, they stick with the main theme of the original solo, and add bends here or there, or use a different lick than the last time, etc.

However, i must agree with the above person who said bends cant be cheesey....maybe the whole solo itself can come off somewhat wankish or off key...but cheesey doesnt make much sense when talking about a bend to me...i guess id have to hear the part in which youre referring to.