Anyone Else See This Coming?


New Metal Member
Mar 5, 2006
Ive been checking every once an a while just to see any major developments because you could feel one coming. First the site isnt up for a couple of months and now this. I think its pretty obvious that not everyone in that band is satisfied with the direction they have taken. I mean the dude has been playing bass in the band for 10 years he dosent all of a sudden not want to play bass, something else is at work here. I like the new album, I will probably love every single thing evergrey puts out even if its a peice of crap. But this album was a strong step backwards. And if it was made to get them more press that sure as hell hasent worked either because I havent seen the video once here in the US - the last album or recreation day there was a couple videos for each. Stick to what you guys are good at, and everyone will be happier. The greats never changed, IE Iron Maiden VS Metallica. GL Mike
Geeez....what I most definitly have seen coming was, that this is going to happen....speculations about the reason. There can be thousands of reasons. Maybe the given one is true? A friend of mine quit playing bass in his band two months ago, because there are other things in his life he has to take care for first. Sometimes you've got to establish priorities, ya know? It might be a musical reason, it might be a personal one. Whatever it is, there's most probably a good reason why Mike quit playing bass in Evergrey and you should all leave it like that. Noone got hurt, noone died. Evergrey has a new bass player and Mike can focus on whatever is more important in his life. so, everything is wonderful. Life goes on.