Anyone end up with similar guitar tones no matter what you change?


Jan 5, 2008
So I've got a Mesa Dual Rec 2 channel, Framus Cobra, and Marshall DSL100. With different guitars, mics, positions etc I always end up with near same tones.:mad:

I dig the tones I get but somehow they always end up sounding near the same. It's like I can't change it. I typically do the heavier modern rock thing but have been experiementing a little lately. I posted that KSE drum track the other day and just got a round to doing the rhythm guitars myself and they sound good to me, but even with different mics etc than my typical go to it still sounds too close to MY other stuff.

What the hell is up with that?:yuk:
It basically comes down to what YOU sound like. Atleast I have this problem when I am playing. All my tones always sound the same.
that'S because of your tweak the amps, mics etc till you like them, so subconciously you try to set them up to sound the match your taste.
I "struggled" with that for some time (not really a bad thing though IMO), but the more non metal stuff you record, the more your personal taste broadens....
take some reference track and try to get your guitartone as close as possible, ignoring whether you like it or IS possible, but you really have to switch your sense for aesthetics off and do what's best for the song/band
It basically comes down to what YOU sound like. Atleast I have this problem when I am playing. All my tones always sound the same.

Yeah I was thinking about that, but in cases like this I'm actively wanting it to sound completely different and still end up in the same spot. :lol:

I don't have plugin presets I abuse or anything and I don't always go for the same cuts and boosts but I'll be damned if it doesn't come out that way.
I find that, out of habit, I tend to dial in the same types of tones on different amps. Then when they are recorded, they all sound similar.

Try to go out of your way to dial in some different tones, with maybe more or less gain for a different sound. I've had to make an effort to be aware of this lately with my own stuff.

Edit: posted same time as Lasse, saying basically the same thing... ;)
that'S because of your tweak the amps, mics etc till you like them, so subconciously you try to set them up to sound the match your taste.
I "struggled" with that for some time (not really a bad thing though IMO), but the more non metal stuff you record, the more your personal taste broadens....
take some reference track and try to get your guitartone as close as possible, ignoring whether you like it or IS possible, but you really have to switch your sense for aesthetics off and do what's best for the song/band

:puke:My brain.

You should send me some nice solo'd guitars that are kind of "different" so I can work on that. It'll be even funnier when I post the results and everyone asks if I just uploaded the same file with different names over and over. :p
Yeah and like Lasse said, sometimes you have to go against what you like and try different stuff even if it seems outrageous. I def feel your pain though as I am going through it myself.
53Crëw;8501558 said:
I find that, out of habit, I tend to dial in the same types of tones on different amps. Then when they are recorded, they all sound similar.

Try to go out of your way to dial in some different tones, with maybe more or less gain for a different sound. I've had to make an effort to be aware of this lately with my own stuff.

Edit: posted same time as Lasse, saying basically the same thing... ;)

I do that sometimes. Today on my way to work (1 hour drive) I really started thinking about this. Wondering if something I do or something in the chain inherently causes me to fuck this up. Its always a different flavor of the same thing. Same tone with less gain. Same tone with more highs etc. Even when I use amps that are not similar at all.

But then I realize its probably just me sucking at life.:oops:
Yeah and like Lasse said, sometimes you have to go against what you like and try different stuff even if it seems outrageous. I def feel your pain though as I am going through it myself.

Internal battles are always the most fun. Sucks for you but I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one!
that'S because of your tweak the amps, mics etc till you like them, so subconciously you try to set them up to sound the match your taste.
I "struggled" with that for some time (not really a bad thing though IMO), but the more non metal stuff you record, the more your personal taste broadens....
take some reference track and try to get your guitartone as close as possible, ignoring whether you like it or IS possible, but you really have to switch your sense for aesthetics off and do what's best for the song/band

Hahahaha! Funny you should mention the word "Aesthetics". I am having the same problem with my tones (although I do own 3 peaveys) and as we speak, I am currently laying down the Machinehead song "Aesthetics of hate" so I can try and match up best to that guitar tone. Starting with the XXX, then onto the 5150 then onto the 6505+. I'll see how close I can get with all 3.
that'S because of your tweak the amps, mics etc till you like them, so subconsciously you try to set them up to sound the match your taste.
I "struggled" with that for some time (not really a bad thing though IMO), but the more non metal stuff you record, the more your personal taste broadens....
take some reference track and try to get your guitartone as close as possible, ignoring whether you like it or IS possible, but you really have to switch your sense for aesthetics off and do what's best for the song/band

Yes. It's like I would've wrote this myself.
Hahahaha! Funny you should mention the word "Aesthetics". I am having the same problem with my tones (although I do own 3 peaveys) and as we speak, I am currently laying down the Machinehead song "Aesthetics of hate" so I can try and match up best to that guitar tone. Starting with the XXX, then onto the 5150 then onto the 6505+. I'll see how close I can get with all 3.

I would really love to hear the finished product cause i'm actually considering which one of these three amps to buy
Most definitely the same here. If not when tracking then when EQing in the mix. Not so much from project to project, but rather if I've had a few reamps done of the same guitar tracks and they come back with different tones. I'll almost always try to EQ them towards my 'ideal'!
that'S because of your tweak the amps, mics etc till you like them, so subconciously you try to set them up to sound the match your taste.

I think this is it as well. Despite your desire to sound a bit different, your playing style, attack, guitar, ... all play such a huge role in your individual sound that you will always sound like "you".

Look at all the recording artists that switch amp endorsements like they do outfits and regardless which amp they use, it always sounds like "them".
seriously, the guitar and playing makes the biggest difference. sounds cliched and not a nice answer as you cant buy an improvement, but ultimately it starts with your hands and the guitar.

No I am 100% with you. It's not improvement I am after though. Just the ability to create variety. The sounds I get I love and I can't complain about the playing. It's just they are always similar no matter what I am playing no matter what amp, no matter what. :loco:

I'm working on it though. Thanks for ther replies everyone. It's good to know this is something a lot of us deal with.
i too suffer from´s like one tends to dial in the same tone again and again because your used to it.
Lasse´s insight is pretty spot on.