Anyone ever heard of these cabs?


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands

I'm a drummer myself, and since I record, I also have to record guitar.
I have several amps that I can use from people for reamping and stuff, but I'm fed up with constantly moving around these huge 4x12 cabs in my car lifting them to my room to record and what so ever.
So I'm looking into buying a relatively cheap cab (1x12 or 2x12) for recording.
And on my search on a 2nd hand site (Marktplaats) I bumped into this Kool & Elfring. That says Mesa quality for Marshall prices.... Just curious if anyone has ever heard of it and what their opinion is of it!
Cause I'm after a 1x12 V30 of them that is 345 euro's!

Peace out..
I haven't heard of that brand, but I was just like you- tired of lugging around a 4x12 from practice to the studio for recording, so I ended up buying a studio cab a while ago. I ended up stumbling across this brand called Lopo Line, and I got a new 2x12 with V30s direct from them for $299.00, $338.10 shipped. I'm sure it would cost substantially more for you to have a cab shipped to the Netherlands from California, so I don't even know if you want to consider it, but I've been really pleased with the cab:

I got it with black corners, black tolex, and a black grill, so it looks pretty sweet, and I also REALLY like the fact that the grill is removable via velcro. It also looks like an empty cab is only $158.00, so if you could get your V30s elsewhere, you could probably get away pretty cheap!

Then again, with Kool-Elfring being made in the Netherlands, that may be your best bet.
What do you think?
Would a 1x12 be sufficient enough?
I actually never use more then 1 speaker.
It's enough if you just mic properly.

I will also build an isolation box around it when I purchase this thing!
When it comes strictly to tracking, the only advantage of having multiple speakers is the possibility that one might sound better than the other...meaning, a 1x12 would be fine (though I've heard pretty shitty things about Mesa's 2x12's in comparison to their revered 4x12's, so I'd be wary of their 1x12 as well)
I've gone through some various 2x12's - Mesa, Bogner, and Orange, and the 4x12 Recto cab is still my favorite for all things rock.
3 things will give you your tone, and that is wood, internal dimensions, and build quality. They are using Birch, which is what Mesa and Marshall use, they are using dovetail joints which are very strong, and they are giving you good dimensions. It looks great to me!
I heard on another forum that they were great!!
Oh btw... i heimliched some puke out of Nanne this weekend!! haha

whaaaa yeah he told me something like that this...
normally you don't have to heimlich him...he has an amazing ability to puke without actually having to push his fingers down his throat at any given this had to be very band then :kickass:

anyway..I ordered a 1x12 V30 cab that will arrive next friday!! woohoo..
After 2 days of migraine, spraying shower gel into my eyes, putting my hand in the toilet cause it's full, having dreams about a killing streak with damien & having fights with my ISP about f*-ing up my internet connections & trying to reach impossible deadlines I finally received good news today!!

I'm getting my cab tomorrow!!!!
Can;t wait..