rocktron 4x12 cabs anyone?

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006
so i found a dude selling one of these which he claims has 4 V30's for rrrrrrrrrrrrrreally fucking i know it's pretty much worth it for the V30's alone, but honestly i don't have a lot of cash on hand and was wondering if any of you have experience with these cabs. if the consensus is that they're awesome, it might be worth pissing off the wife and sleeping on the couch for a month - if not, i'll just pass it up...
Yeah $900 for a Rocktron cab? That's only a few hundred short of my Bogner cab.

I think you would be better off with an Avatar cab loaded with v30's. Probably costs less than the Rocktron used.
I think he just posted the link so we could see the cab and that he wants to buy it from
someone else (used?) pretty cheap, not from musicians friend-right?
I think he just posted the link so we could see the cab and that he wants to buy it from
someone else (used?) pretty cheap, not from musicians friend-right?

This was my understanding :D However, if the dude wants more than $300 for it, I'd hold out, save a bit more, and look for a Rectifier cab instead, you should be able to find one for ~$450!
I'd stay away from anything Rocktron. The customer service was nice; the product was not.

fair enough! being the amp slut you are, i'll take your word for it on that one...and yea, for the record the guy was selling a used one on CL for $300

no way would i go after one of those for 9 bills!

there's the ad...speakers are 16 ohms

after looking over the $$ situation though i don't think it's feasible right now either way, but it's all good because i have a friend with an oooooooooold randall with blown-out speakers that i might buy for cheap later on and load w/ V30's

and for the record, 4 v30's from avatar is $350 + $30 shipping ;)