ANyone ever listen to late 60's and 70's Chicago ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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I couldn't figure out which forum to put this in, but I figured the musician forum might have more people that could respect the horn incorporated in rock music than most of the other forums here in UM.
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I thought of old Chicago as "old people's music" but I actually listened to one of their songs at work that was on the shop radio that was tuned to a classic rock station and I actually liked it. I decided to take a chance and go get a greatest hits CD from Wally World and I must say, it's pretty cool. I am not about to start a metal band with a horn section by any stretch of the imagination, but it gave me a different perspective on trombones and such. The band was pretty talented. They were very organic sounding, but far from "raw."
