Anyone ever wonder where Metal might be in 50years time?


Nov 3, 2006
I was just thinking about this. I wonder if people are gonna run out of ideas In like 50 years time?. Is everything gonna be recycled over and over again? Anyone ever get that feeling that everything has been done already?

It's also funny like people that are old now usually listen to the stuff they grew up on from like the 1950's or whatever. When I'm old I always wonder if i'm still gonna be rockin out to my favourite metal bands etc. Imagine like your grandson coming up to you and saying "Grandpa what's that Dinosaur music your listening to' and you will be like this is *whatever band your listening to*! This was the shit in the 80's/90's/2000's!

Ahhhh, it's scary trying to look that far ahead into the future. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking that far ahead lol. Anyways what do you guys think?
something has already changed, just look at ths nu-metal crap...commercial sound which has absolutely nothing to do with traditional metal
hmmm... i guess this grandfather scene will be true, but we can't change it
I was just thinking about this. I wonder if people are gonna run out of ideas In like 50 years time?. Is everything gonna be recycled over and over again? Anyone ever get that feeling that everything has been done already?

It's also funny like people that are old now usually listen to the stuff they grew up on from like the 1950's or whatever. When I'm old I always wonder if i'm still gonna be rockin out to my favourite metal bands etc. Imagine like your grandson coming up to you and saying "Grandpa what's that Dinosaur music your listening to' and you will be like this is *whatever band your listening to*! This was the shit in the 80's/90's/2000's!

Ahhhh, it's scary trying to look that far ahead into the future. Maybe I shouldn't be thinking that far ahead lol. Anyways what do you guys think?
50 years isn't really that long to change the entire music scene

Whatever the music is gonna be in 2050 it's gonna be better of course
If the music trend just goes around again, then in theory metal should be as popular as it was in the 80s (nwobhm years) eventually. Then it will become less mainstream again.
if people dont tired of it

It's also funny like people that are old now usually listen to the stuff they grew up on from like the 1950's or whatever. When I'm old I always wonder if i'm still gonna be rockin out to my favourite metal bands etc. Imagine like your grandson coming up to you and saying "Grandpa what's that Dinosaur music your listening to' and you will be like this is *whatever band your listening to*! This was the shit in the 80's/90's/2000's!

haha fuck yeah.
Metal will be dead. Music wise, it will be soon in it's last miles.

Boo, poseur! Metal is realy just a form of rock, that uses many different aspects of other kinds of music.

Baroque, to Classical, to Jazz, to Rock. Music is recycled now, but there is too much music in the world for somthing to die out. In the future people will just be mixing Metal with different and new styles of music.

The way technology in recording adn processing also has changed the way many people think about writing and making music, which will have a great effect on what will be played in 50 years. Metal has really only started.

When Jazz and Blues was first starting in the American South, it was looked at the same way metal is today. All the Classical musicians looked at it as the barbaric slave music. Then Jazz overwhealmed the World. Now many Jazz purists see Metal as barbaric noise played only by lower class people, which is far from the truth.

50 years Metal will be in the same standards as Jazz Metal and Classical. Somthing new will probably come along, but Metal wont be dead, just as Jazz and Classical aren't dead now.
Disco and Motown is apparently dead.
Yet its still played in clubs, remixed, and enjoyed by many. Scissor Sisters FTW!!! :kickass:
Boo, poseur! Metal is realy just a form of rock, that uses many different aspects of other kinds of music.

Baroque, to Classical, to Jazz, to Rock. Music is recycled now, but there is too much music in the world for somthing to die out. In the future people will just be mixing Metal with different and new styles of music.

The way technology in recording adn processing also has changed the way many people think about writing and making music, which will have a great effect on what will be played in 50 years. Metal has really only started.

When Jazz and Blues was first starting in the American South, it was looked at the same way metal is today. All the Classical musicians looked at it as the barbaric slave music. Then Jazz overwhealmed the World. Now many Jazz purists see Metal as barbaric noise played only by lower class people, which is far from the truth.

50 years Metal will be in the same standards as Jazz Metal and Classical. Somthing new will probably come along, but Metal wont be dead, just as Jazz and Classical aren't dead now.

I agree, and since jazz and blues are being studied at university right now i don't see why this wouldn't become the same for metal. It is a form of musical art :p and i'd study it, haha. Hell, i did! :loco: :lol: