Anyone get the new Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me


Lost In Everything
Jun 10, 2002
Threshold of Hell
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I heard there was suppose to be a 2 CD set of this but I cant find it anywhere. Has anyone else found it and or know where to get it? How much does it cost?

Thanks to anyone that helps. Its appreciated.
Isn't this meant to be released on Monday? I know you can get the 2CD in Australia. I think you can get it everywhere as it is on amazon.
I live in Holland and bought the 2-cd set on tuesday the 17th. The bonus cd has some good tracks including two unreleased songs and some songs from singles and the like.
I got it and I think it is quite good really. They are a cool band that is somewhat original. I mean if I have to hear another band do the melodic death metal thing I think I'll freak out.
My gf is a Type O-fan since way back and has all the albums. Myself I haven't really liked them that much, except for some standout tracks (Love You To Death, etc.), but I must say that the new album sounds really good. For me, it'll probably be my fave from this band, the only one I like from start to finish.

The 2CD is definitely worth getting, the bonus cd has a lot of cool stuff on it (from a collector's/fan's point of view).
I got it and it seems ok. October Rust is still a classic stoner album though! They got too much bad reviews from Rust to ever do something that awesome again. For a band that says they wish they could sell out, they have a hard time doing it. Love em cause they are true to themselves and everyone else!
DreamingofUr said:
I got it and it seems ok. October Rust is still a classic stoner album though! They got too much bad reviews from Rust to ever do something that awesome again. For a band that says they wish they could sell out, they have a hard time doing it. Love em cause they are true to themselves and everyone else!

A classic "stoner" album? You're retarded.
AlgaeScraper said:
Hi all, as is usually the case,The End Records comes through on this one again, they have the import two disc for only $19 delivered (US). :)

Hi, what about Cradle Of Filth Damnation and A Day...I want to order the new Type O with the new Cradle but you don´t have this album for months....