Anyone going to any fall concerts??


I had a nice "summer tour" TD's ampitheatre tour 02. I thought the fun was over, but upon looking in my ticket drawer (yes, I keep 'em in a drawer) I see the itinerary isn't slowing down. It is getting somewhat more mellow though. I've got tix to: Alice Cooper outdoors Oct. 4. Good way to kick off Halloween season, I hope it isn't too cold (last year I lost feeling in my feet). October 10th I'm going to see Paul McCartney! I've never seen a Beatle! October 18th, I've got "box" seats at the Taft Theatre to see Jon Stewart. I love this guy, it should be funny as hell. Oct.20th, the Rolling Stones at Nationwide Arena. Plus, I've got tix to see the Lakers in Cleveland (ok it isn't a concert) and Down and Superjoint Ritual are both anouncing tours soon. Let me know if there are any other shows I should be aware of.
it will be a long time coming till i get to see any bands worth while!!!!!!

usually in australia all the bands will flow through in 6 to 12 months then it takes 4 years for it to start all over again.
I've got tickets to the Strokes on Oct 4th in Philly. I don't really like the Strokes. My girlfriend bought the tickets but it should be alot of fun because I love Philly and we're getting a hotel. Party like rock stars. Who knows?? Maybe the opening acts may be good. But the Strokes...well, they may as well stroke my cock because they don't do anything else for me otherwise.
Originally posted by dutchy
Come over to Amsterdam and check out the mighty TRAX on 28/10!!!!!!!!!Heinekens on me!!!!!!!!

Where are they playing in Amsterdam? for the first time in years I booked a holiday to Greece and Anthrax decide to play next best option to see the 'thrax abroad..........<the louse strokes his chin in thoughtful contemplation>
TD, I think Down's already posted the October portion of their tour...unfortunately, Toronto's not on it, so if they come in November or December, it may not be a great place to take a newborn :lol: I may not be seeing any concerts for a while now... :cry:
Going to see Hatebreed the 18th and that's about it for now. Not much of anything comming to my neck of the woods this fall so far it seems
Yeah its pretty slow right now for me. I usuallh have SOMETHING coming up. I also might check out the Hatebreed/Shadows Fall show. And maybe the Public Enemy show too. But even those ars still maybes.
Sept. 17th: Deep Purple
Oct. 8th: Robert Plant
Oct. 18th: Capdown

Was thinking about seeing Bryan Ferry on my birthday (Oct. 7th) but I don't think that's happening now...