Anyone here a keyboard playa?


Dec 2, 2002
Chicago, IL
Er, player, I mean. :Smokin:

If so, you know of any specific books/sites to help a Mike Pinella wannabe get started? :D Keep in mind that I've had pretty much zilch experience with the keyboard, but I played the violin for 12 years, so I'm wise in the ways of music. :headbang:

Or should I just take some lessons?

Thanks in advance.
I am mainly a drummer, but play keyboards too. I am writing out and learning to play Through the looking glass. That music tough. As is all of his music. I think you should take lessons for a little bit before tackling Sym x. There are so many key signature changes and every single key sig. involves lots of sharps or flats. So you pretty much have to learn all the key sig. on the piano before you can get started. But when you do I would have to suggest The accolade. The music is on the web site I believe. And it is actually not that hard to play.
I play the keys too, i have been playing during four years, i do play some SymphonyX songs such as Sins and Shadows, Evolution, Fallen etc (all of them with the solo)

It might be a good a idea to begin with classical music pieces, I think you already know about musical theory taking into account your twelve years on violin, so i dont see much problem.:)