Anyone in Atlanta ever go to this Performance?


Sep 14, 2006
Some kind of rock theatre company is going to be performing a play/musical of Iron Maiden's "The Number of the Beast" on July 5-7 at 7 stages in little 5 points. It's also rumored they will be doing Rush's 2112 beforehand as a pre-show included with the main show.

Anyone know anything further or have any experiences?

I'm really interested as it sounds like it would be cool to see.
They did this once before (sans the 2112 set), but I didn't find out about it until AFTER the last show. I was in line at the Variety Playhouse the last time Al DiMeola played there, and I saw posters advertising this Number of the Beast show at 7 Stages...I think the final performance listed was the night before I saw the posters :mad:

Thanks for the head's up; I was hoping they would do this again someday (and I'm sure I would have missed it again, were it not for your post). :headbang:

Here's a link:
That sounds pretty cool. 7 Stages is right next to the Variety Playhouse, right? I think I went there on a field trip back when I was in high school and it was a pretty nice place. I might check this out.
Here's a synopsis from when they originally staged it last year:

Audiences took note when The Little Five Points Rockstar Orchestra delivered a rocking rendition of “Jesus Christ Superstar.”
The group is taking the classic Iron Maiden heavy metal album “Number of the Beast” and transforming it into a musical.
The production, entitled “666: A Tribute to the Devil and Heavy Metal,” is an evening of bombastic rock ‘n’ roll theatrics. It’s being held on June 6, 2006 (a.k.a 6-6-06) at 7 Stages Theatre in Atlanta. Additional performances will take place on June 9 and 10.
Written, directed and conceived by Shane Morton, Liam McKaharay and Rock Orchestra founder Rob Thompson, the musical uses the Iron Maiden material to tell a story of darkness and redemption. It’s set in the fictitious Gangland where organized crime, sex and satanic rituals run rampant.
A live heavy metal band featuring members of Atlanta’s rock underground provides the soundtrack as actors bring the music to life. Some scenes include where the audience will be taken into the seedy operations of a brothel during “22 Acacia Avenue.” They will witness a hanging during the epic “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
“It’s never been done before,” says Thompson. “People who grew up with heavy metal and love it don’t get to go see it in the clubs anymore. This puts a twist on it, and hopefully turns it into something new and exciting.”
Thanks for the synopsis. Sounds interesting, and any excuse to go have a burger at the Vortex is always a good one.
you need an 'excuse' for a burger?

I don't need an excuse for anything. The Vortex makes one of the better burgers in town and thats reason enough alone, but my wife likes to help save money by cooking dinner more often then not we eat at home unless we are going out, to something like this play for example.

We try to keep spending to a minimum and make smart decisions, besides it leaves more money for hookers and blow.

I wouldn't bother boring anyone with the details, but since you find it funny I'll oblige you.

*edit* the whole time typing this I had Back to the Future 3 playing in my head, like Biff just called me chicken and I could see Doc Brown screaming don't do it Marty, don't type a reply to this.
I saw this last night. Overall good. I didn't agree with the portrayal of the Priests of Syrinx, but that's a just a preference/opinion thing, but they were still pretty cheesy. The tall singer and blond singer were both pretty good. The dark haired singer wasn't until Hallowed Be Thy Name. The girl who played Charlotte The Harlot was hot. And the band was great!

And surprisingly, only a handful of people were getting into the music. Most people just sat there.
Shane does my tattoos...and he is always doing something...he cracks me up. i have yet to see one of his rockstar orchestra stuff... maybe i will make it one day...