anyone interested in joining a death metal band


Jan 17, 2004
I'm looking for a bassist, drummer, vocalist, and a second guitarist in chicago or chicago area who are interested in joining a progressive, death metal band. my bud left for arizona with the rest of his friends and now i'm bandless. we worked on material for about 5 months and wrote an entire album and some of the second. we all had at least 5 years of experience playing our instruments and have taken lessons for most of those. people who have a couple of years of experience playing and have knowledge of music theory are more encouraged to join.

note: they gave up on the band which we called soulslaughter when they dropped out of school. they gave me full rights of the music and the band.

if you're interested just post a message and i'll give you the number to contact me.
I'm a drummer who goes to the University of Chicago, so i'm located in Hyde Park and have my drums out here. If you have any recordings of your stuff, I'd be happy to take a listen and let you know if I'm interested.
they took most of the recordings with them, but if you guys are willing to get together and have at least a jam session, that would be very cool. the best way i can describe the music is this:

it's loaded with guitar riffs. a lot of guitar solos, your average death metal heavy fast paced drumming, bass follows guitar, as i said its progressive. i'm a guitarist who likes fast complicated riffs that layout the song. there's not a lot of chords, but a ton of scales. it's pretty heavy shit. vocals have to be brutal. before my friends left, we had an idea of four albums. the first one is done and i'm sticking to all the music we wrote for the second album. the third album was going to be experimental: death metal with psychadelic influences. the fourth was a little bit more complicated. it's going to be progressive like all the rest but with celtic influences.