Anyone into Testament and Arch enemy should check this out

:worship: I just checked it out, this is killer thrash with a modern touch.I must say that i'm quite impressed.
metalizer said:
we will send promo's out for the record labels next week, so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

You guys probably already sent em' out, but some of the misspellings and things need to be fixed.

It should read... unparalled not... Unparralelled

And the phrase is "mutually assured destruction"

Saying "mutual assured" doesn't make any sense; that'd be like me saying "Practices make perfect."

Minor errors yes, but those kinds of mistakes and things look really unprofessional if you want to get signed.

About the recordings you guys have...

The sound quality and the mix is great, even if the vocals are a bit too booming. Overall though, it all meshes in well together, the drums sound powerful, and the riffing sounds really tight. You nailed the rhythm playing for sure, because it sounds awesome.

I listened to the song Unparralled (Unparalled)... and my only real criticism is this:

The part from around 3:14 to 3:50 really drags with the monotonous yelling overtop of it. Don't get me wrong...these style vocals fit in with the rest of the song just fine; it's just this part where it seems like a more melodic vocal, like the one in the chorus, would fit in so much better here and really make the song sound powerful going into the solo section. Ya know, I'm not advocating kicked-in-the-balls sounding wailing vocals here, just some melodic but powerful, mid-range, from-the-gut singing to propel you into the solo. The shouting style vocals are used well in the rest of the song, as I said before, but they detract from the power of this part. Either the vocals or some other kind of complimentary melody needs to come in and add some variation here, otherwise it kind of drags and you're left waiting for something different to happen.

Just so you know, I dig Carcass, Arch Enemy and Megadeth, especially of the Rust In Peace era, so it's not like it's just not my thing to be saying this stuff. You guys have a lot of potential and I hope you succeed, so I figured I'd be more helpful if I really said my mind, instead of just telling you "this rocks!"
Thanks for the review it's always nice to hear what people think.You are absolutly right about the spelling in Unparalleled it's just a type error on the webpage, the spelling on the cover is correct.You can acually say mutual assured destruction,i asked my english teatcher and she is born and raised in England and she told me that you could use both mutual and mutually,but i will ask her again just to be sure.I appreciate your honesty,it's so much cooler to hear what people really think instead of just being told that you are the new Metallica or whatever. :headbang:
As i have said earlier i like it when bands have a message especially a positive message to many bands are singing about nothing or satan or whatever,it's really great to hear intelligent lyrics like the stuff you guys vare writting,Some of my favorite lyricwritters Are Warrel Dane,Mille Petrossa and Barney Greenway to name a few.Keep up the good work and if someone thinks that your lyrics are cheesy it's because they are ignorent.