anyone know any spanish folk songs?

Mr. Josey Wales

UGA student
Apr 13, 2004
athens, georgia
i get extra credit in a spanish class if i come in and play a spanish song, or make a spanish dish or i was thinking if there is a relatively easy spanish song to play on singer songwriter, with easy lyrics thatd be great....does anyone know ANY songs that are spanish?
im mexican, i speak spanish, i dont listen to spanish music and i'm no cook :(

but i can help you :) does it need to be spanish from spain or could it be from any other country that has spanish influences?
im pretty sure it has to be any country that speaks spanish..(mexico)

i think im just gonna try to write a spanish flavored song and write some lyrics, then get somebody that is good at spanish to translate the lyrics for me. then i will try and practice it. or i may just play a song i already have and just put spanish words to
Someone said "Los Jaivas"... well "Los Jaivas - Alturas De Machupichu" is considered one of the best rock albums ever by the Rolling Stones magazine... and "Uaral" is a great folk band... amazing, like Agalloch or The Gathering (Both bands "Uaral and Los Jaivas" are from Chile :))
you have to do "Buenas Tardes Amigo" It is a super simple song by Ween. Only 4 chords in the entire song and even the solo is easy.
El puelbo... unido!

Nunca sera divido!

Or something like that...

We had to sing it all the time in HS Spanish class. We always laughed, but it's actually a legitimate folk protest song... I think I've heard it in Anti-Flag and/or other political punk.

Better than "Vamos a la playa... oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..." Another one force fed us... :loco:
listen to Elfonìa and learn some of that. dunno if you can sing as well as Marcella though :lol:

also Castillo - Dias de Los Angeles (wicked hard to play, but awesome)

not folk music per se, but damn good. if all else fails, Guantanamera as recommended above is a great classic. My grandma sings it.