Anyone know which Fernandes Guitar Mike Amott used?

Fernandes and Burny are basically the same brand. As Edwards and ESP.

Mark_Palangio said:
I knew he had some Burny Les Pauls, I had seen that picture before. I was just wondering about the Fernandes since the CD booklet listed that. So I assume he recorded with Fernandes then? I remember seeing a bootleg video of them back in the day, and he did have a Fernandes, but I can't remember what kind it was. I actually think it was a Strat?
EtherForBreakfast said:
Mike has a very BRITISH /UK accent when he speaks.. not swedish per se. Daniel is very swede sounding.. I find this a point of interest, and a possible thread extender for Palangio, the ultimate Mikey Amott Tool Boy.

Daniel sounds English to me as well, from the DVD with the gear talk. They all sound kinda English apart from Angela.