anyone like basketball??

Originally posted by 13th angel

whooo.....are ya a little mad gums? ha ha...are'nt there a lot of canadians on the carolina hurricanes? should be proud my canadian friend:p .....not up on raptor news....what happened to carter??
let me teams
football= st louis rams(fan since 79)
basketball= sacramento kings(fan since 86)
baseball= oakland A's
Hockey= San Jose sharks
:devil: anyone else???

Hey I like your choices! I like San Jose and Oakland especially
But about Carolina yes they have lots of canadians, but every team does, so I gotta stick with my leafs! :p countries.... thats cool:) I wish I could Just visit that many countries:D ....I met richie out here in california last year...he's way cool...cowboy fan? at least you stick with your team ha ha..I have a friend that is a big niner fan(I live right in the middle of niner territory yuk!) so he really really hates the cowboys ha ha....
ya had to say you are a yankee fan:( ha ha ha.....well I love the A's so ya know what that means:D
I feel exacly the same way about shaq...anybody that big would be good so whats the hype about?? don't really care If we beat the nets(asuming we beat L.A) all I want is to destroy the lakers on sunday!!!! later!!! p.s......heres to the mavs and kings next year!!!! go KINGS:p
Originally posted by alexofbodom
I am from Costa Rica and my parents are Germans (I am basically a mixture from everywhere since I have lived in seven countries, have German blood and was born in Guatemala) I am currently living in Indianapolis, IN where I am studying in college

:eek: Seven countries? Now, that is fantastic! I can imagine it's not so great being a child and having to move around every now and then but I believe that this experience pays off later! May I ask which countries you lived in and for long?
(I know this is OT but I don't care :p )
hehe 13th angel.......what are you doing and reading in/at/on (can someone please tell me the correct preposition?? *begs*) the internet??? :D ;)
Nevermind.........OT stands for Off Topic! :)
Seven countries? Now, that is fantastic! I can imagine it's not so great being a child and having to move around every now and then but I believe that this experience pays off later! May I ask which countries you lived in and for long?
I was born in Guatemala and lived there 1 year, then I lived in Germany for 1 year, Switzerland 1 year, France 6 years, Paraguay 4 years, Costa Rica 6 years, USA 3 years.
It can be hard because I have had to leave so many friends behind but on the other hand it has helped me a lot in growing up and learning about life. It has also allowed me to become a multilingual person (I speak SPanish, German, English, French, Portuguese, and I even took Guarani (an indigenous language in Paraguay))
I still have one more year to go in college and then who knows where I will live next (13th Angel: I'm considering going to grad school in California.) Probbaly somewhere warmer than Indianapolis (I grew up in Latin America and I am a big beach freak) so if I stay in the US it will probably somewhere like California or Florida.
I am hating life right now.....words can not describe how angry I am that the lakers won......oh well............I hope the nets beat the hell out of them:mad: .....hey alex....california would be cool...unfortunately most of the good(and warm) beaches are down south:D
Originally posted by alexofbodom
It has also allowed me to become a multilingual person (I speak SPanish, German, English, French, Portuguese, and I even took Guarani

That's one of the things I meant when I said it will pay off. It's so damn great! :)

Back to the topic.........or something related: it seems almost everybody became crazy over the world championship in soccer :rolleyes:
I don't care actually.
13th angel....are you serious? The whole thing only started last friday! The final is on 30th June.
USA will be playing tomorrow actually - against Portugal.
Originally posted by Gaunerin
13th angel....are you serious? The whole thing only started last friday! The final is on 30th June.
USA will be playing tomorrow actually - against Portugal.

ha ha ha ha yes I know.....obviously I don't watch soccer(football to those that are more familiar with the sport)...but you also have to realize I was right in the middle of watching my team in the N.B.A western conferance championships untill sunday...:yuk: too bad the lakers won:puke: ....... I will root for your team gauny..... that would be germany right??:confused: :D
The US won, 13th angel! (3:2)
The match between the German and Irish team ended in a draw. (A colleague screamed "damn, these amateurs" :D )

And, yes, Gauny is very nice :)
gauny...I actualy stayed up to watch the U.S, portugal match and I guess I am luck to them...ha ha (it was on here at 2.00 am):p ..but both teams had some luck in that match...... a redirected (on accident) goal off the other team players head( LUCKY)....and then scoreing on your own goal(I bet he was embarrassed)...anyway I liked it soccer fan!!....what was the score on the germany game?:confused: i would assume A tie is better than a loss
Originally posted by 13th angel
gauny...I actualy stayed up to watch the U.S, portugal match and I guess I am luck to them...ha ha (it was on here at 2.00 am):p

hahaha....and you're telling me that I'm staying up late?? :D

...what was the score on the germany game?:confused:

You mean that game today against Ireland? 1:1