anyone like basketball??

back to the topic! :p

World championship!
I cannot believe the US are actually out!! :eek:
Sorry John.....but this is unbelievable!
And ppl should know by now I don't really give a f*** about my country but this time I think it's great we made it into the semi finals! :cool:
well put it in perspective....the U.S loseing 2 games is like the germans not placing in any event in the winter would'nt that be a shocker for the german people....I am in shock anyway about the losses.....funny thing though......U.S lost to yugoslavia....and they have two guys on their team who play for the sacramento kings....I don't know whether to be sad or happy......ha ha
Originally posted by 13th angel
.funny thing though......U.S lost to yugoslavia....and they have two guys on their team who play for the sacramento kings....I don't know whether to be sad or happy......ha ha

:lol: have you decided yet? :D
Ah well, Basketball... that was this annoying sport I had to play in school every time the pupils got to choose what sport would be played in a lesson..... :mad: I always voted for handball, that rules!
Originally posted by 13th angel
ha ha.....well hand ball is'nt a good team sport....I like team sports

What is handball if not a team sport? Not sure if it's common sport in the US though...? *doubts*
Anyway......I also like handball but I still prefer basketball.
ok...since we don't have an ice-hockey thread I'm going to tell you in here that I will get to meet Corny on sunday again while "our" teams will have a match :D
If I remember right there was, not too many years ago, maybe 5 finnish players in that Frankfurt team. Like I said there's only a few finnish players in the whole league. Lots of Finns in the lower leagues though.

I'll probably go yell my guts out for my local team tomorrow.
My team won!!! :p
But anyway......main reason I've been to the match was to meet Corny again and well......I'm home again while he is having a break at Mc D right now :rolleyes: (just received a SMS)
FUCK !!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I made quite a big post here and ... well ... it's not there :cry: :cry: :cry:

OK, I try to "summarize" it again ...

First of all, I don't like basketball, I prefer hockey:D :cool:

I said something about finnish players at the Frankfurt Lions, first of all Toni Porkka who is back in Suomi this year, then there was a goalie Jukka Tammi, dunno what he is doing now ...

There was a year, I think '96 or '97, when many finnish players were in Frankfurt, but the season was quite bad ... so most of them had to go ...

And when it comes to the NHL, I like the RedWings, especially Darren McCarty :cool:

Hope I didn't forget anything ;)