Anyone Like Skiing/Snowboarding here?


Teh Forest King
Dec 17, 2006
We'll, I've went away on vacation to NH skiing. I love the sport and I wasnt all big on it, until my dad got me into it a couple years ago and now its just awesome. I was wondering if anyone else enjoys this sport. Snowboarding counts too.
Aye I love downhill skiing on account of my dad taking me every year to Blue Mountain. I find cross country to be boring as hell unless you're alone in some woods though.
Cross Cuntry is ghey. imo
Downhill (especially moguls) is the shizz. There are a few mountians in Australia where you can ski, I've been going for 14 years now, since I was 3. I'm a monstrous fan of skiing, its probably my favourite pasttime. Maybe. OK not sure. But its easily my favourite thing to do outside!

Couple of years ago, I came to Canada with my dad, and we spent two weeks skiing at Whistler and it was great!

Other than that, I've skiied in France, New Zealand, and recently Kashmir. Highest gondola in the world, at 4000m above sea level. Problem is in Australia, we don't get a huge amount of snow so we're used to skiing on hard snow, while in Kashmir it was really thick powder, so we found it much harder.
It's funny, I lived in Colorado for 3 years and never went skiing; growing up I lived a half-days drive from Big Sky/Red Lodge/Bridger Bowl in Montana and never went skiing; I lived in Seattle and was 2-3 hours away from at least 3 great ski areas and also visited Whistler, BC once and never went.

Now that I live in South Carolina we go skiing in North Carolina every year and I fucking love it.....
yeah skiing alone can be a bit boring, but if you got a buddy or some family it can be awesome. ive tried to get my friend to go with me as he is a beginner too, but his dad is going insane and being mean to him.
Wow, I find skiing alone to be really relaxing. Its amazing to be surrounded by the Australian nature, finding a path down a mountain at whatever pace you like. You can ski aggressively and you won't have to wait for anybody, and you won't have anybody who's too scared to do the runs you want. You can ski leisurely along secluded trails and nobody will call you a pussy. You can stop whenever you like. You can ski whenever you like... Its just you, alone with nature, and I love it!