Anyone listen to music in bed in the dark?


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
I do. I find that's possibly the best way to experience music, ESPECIALLY moody music, of any sort. The more minimalist the better!

I've been developing mixes of my favorite music (with a lot of editing) to make single, flowing kind of "compositions" for setting moods when alone in the dark. It's a lot of fun, actually! I'll share them with anyone who wishes as well...

BUT back on topic now. So, do any of you do this? And if you do, do you ever get that feeling where you wake up half way through something, and in your semi-conscious state have damn near religious experiences from the music? that's the coolest feeling ever... one i am always trying to recreate :p
Since I remember I've sometimes put on an album before going to bed, never gave it much thought or compared it to listening experiences at other times, does that count?

It's real trouble when you fall asleep and wake up tangled in to the headphones though
thing is i cant stand the computer zooming at night and my other cdplayer broke down, so i mostly stay up way too long.

best is someone softly playing the guitar neirby
This is a favourite pastime of mine. Had some almost trippy experiences falling asleep to music. Favourites at the moment are Explosions in the Sky and Sigur Ros.
kdsnake said:
This is a favourite pastime of mine. Had some almost trippy experiences falling asleep to music. Favourites at the moment are Explosions in the Sky and Sigur Ros.

get some Múm:

finally we are no one


Yesterday Was Dramatic Today Is Ok

sleepsville that stuff.
but i do need my 8hrs of sleep, or i'll be in a bad mood in the morning. so that would mean i have to go to bed earlier. and then i'd have to miss out on all the fun here. ;)