Music for the dark...

nomana-nuniyan said:
what he needs is for me to download it, then he will be satisfied with all or your listening experiences, and stop nagging you. But I'm not going to download anything of his into my comp.

Why not? Or is it too personal? Or has he infected you? o_O
I'm curious about this thing now, I want to hear it.
I'll have to wait until next week when I'm on a DSL line again though.
Yet, I'd really like to know sometimes what it is that puts certain lines of thought into her head. My changing grammatical gender being one, for example. Not that it means a thing to me, a Hungarian, but still.
Bambi said:
Suddenly the pretentious tones and "no-one understands me" whining makes perfect sense :Spin:

eat my fat sweaty sausage. I wish i had the clap so i could beat the shit out of you with my penis and hopefilly give you a nasty eye infection. Anyone else here in medical school? no? ohhhhhhhhh that's odd.....
Bambi said:
its a zipped audio file, once you unzip it, it immediately turns your web cam on and hooks its feed up to a remote server, it then causes the motherboard to overheat and release toxic fumes from the microconducters strong enough to cause you to pass out. At which point the triad (who are running this gig) contact their local reps and have them do over your house and steal your kidneys. If you dont have a web cam its monitors your keystrokes, once the word spelling become erratic and is followed by "bh gnyju" they know that youve passed out face first onto the keyboard and notify the boys (incidentally i banged my face off the keybaord to bring up that stream of letters)

jesus wept :erk:

My tuesday customer (today) informed me that they has spent the better part of the last week (or since thursday and over the weekend) trying to fix their laptop, which is the exact same laptop as mine. Exact maker, model, and everything. Their son-in-law has been working on it and came to the conclusion that hard drive to motherboard is GONE, irreparable. This has all occured since last tuesday, the last time I was there, and actually, since last thursday, because I saw her last thursday at her sister's house, of which i clean also, and it hadn't happened then..she would have mentioned it.