Anyone love skyfire as much as I do?


The birth of tragedy
Aug 27, 2002
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I listen to just about all music and a million diff bands, but skyfire def has to be in the top 3, if not number 1. They only have one album out but I can listen to it over and over, at least every day i go through all their songs a couple times, if not more. I cant wait for the new album to come out. I dont know why I guess its the vocals, and use of keyboards that makes it excellent and diff from other music. I wish I could get some shirts or something? I remember i got a poster off ebay but I never saw it heh....

Anyways yes i was bored, anyone else like me? Thats just my little tribute to skyfire....

best thing about Skyfire is all their songs are good, they dont have 1 bad one

:notworthy Skyfire
yeh. timeless departure is probably in my top 10 of all time. i was in a really skyfire intense period a few weeks ago too heh. listened to TD every day somtimes twice or more. its not often that an album will do that to me. only ones of a higher calibur.
If you make a list of all the Skyfire songs on TD + Chaos Feeds Life songs + Mind Revolution samples + Andy's Little Song = Still not enough skyfire. only 19 songs. :(

But sooooooon!
The time of more skyfire will come...
It's only a few months. And it's not like I can do anything about it. So I'll just try to learn a little bit more of the first cd on guitar before I get the second, hehe.
yeah, Skyfire def. in top 10 ever. if MR is at least as good as TD then they will prob get up to top 5.

how the hell would u be able to find out who we actually were if we went to a gig anyways??? would we have to have a big sign with our names on?? lol
lol, besides that we'd prolly let em know. God that would be fuckin cool if you guys could get on an opening act to tour the US. You have a million fans here! Ok im not sure bout that but people usually say that when they want a band to come to their country :p

and yeah. Timeless Departure has stood the test of time and never gets old. You can't go wrong with songs like "From Here to Death" and "Timeless Departure". Aw hell....the whole album!

Originally posted by stargazer
You know I'm going to have to hug you all when we meet you on tour :grin:
heh no need for hugs, but a nice picture of all of us throwing up the horns and making evil faces \m/:mad:\m/ would be cool haha.
I definately agree, Skyfire's easily one of my favorite bands, probably my #1. Most CD's have at least one song that I'm unwilling to listen to, but I can honestly say there aren't any Skyfire songs that I don't like. Yeah, only Timeless Departure is out, so there isn't much for me not to like, but it's still a perfect record. Can't wait for the next CD.

And before you can hug me on tour, you need to tour! I swear I'll drag along as many of my punk friends as I can and make them listen to something other than Good Charlotte for a little while. Now that would be satisfying.