What other bands can you recommend if I like Skyfire?

Originally posted by opacity

the argument "bands who have keys as main instruments" is not a valid one, I'd say. the local two-men-band who plays at weddings, birthdays and funerals also has the keyboard as main instrument, right? :muahaha: :p
dont be a dick. i obviously meant metal. and ETOS is pretty damn close when you look at everyone else's sugestions. either way he asked for sugestions and we gave him some. i didnt see YOU offer up any bands.
Originally posted by neal
dont be a dick. i obviously meant metal. and ETOS is pretty damn close when you look at everyone else's sugestions. either way he asked for sugestions and we gave him some. i didnt see YOU offer up any bands.
:grin: yeah yeah , sure... want me to apologize? :p
the reason why I didn't give any examples is cos all I'd know of were already mentioned.
still, my opinion is that EToS are definitely not comparable to Skyfire.
only o p i n i o n s - opinions - opi-nions..... :)
Try also:

Beyond The Embrace - a seriously kick-ass band from Massachusetts of all places that all fans of quality metal should like; a top-10 release for 2002 IMO
Ablaze My Sorrow - their new album is SUPERB
Originally posted by AFSilverstar
i have some songs by them too haha, but even if you dont listen to much industrial check out those bands.....they have meatl in them at least kovenant

get kovenant- mirros paridise, new world order, jihad
zeromancer- clone your lover, eurotrash, dr.online.....

lemme know what u think

Kovenant is definitely a good band to check out, especially "Animatronic" which to me has an industrial infused black-melodic-death metal sound thats catchy as shit. They got a real opera singer for the black metal chaotic voice synth, creepy as shit.