Anyone need some new band logos?

Here's a couple logos I just finished for Forcefed Flesh:



They took the bottom one for legibility reasons.

They've got a rough, live mp3 on their site, check-em out;
I did.

I just think everyone's kinda wrapped up in the Tikdoshe logo at this particular moment.

@Sculpted, you rule.
dude sculpted, you need to see the huge ass banner of our logo our bassist's mom made for the band. we're gonna hang it behind our drumset for all our shows now, ill send you a pic when its finished :)
Funeral Portrait said:
dude sculpted, you need to see the huge ass banner of our logo our bassist's mom made for the band. we're gonna hang it behind our drumset for all our shows now, ill send you a pic when its finished :)
haha, sweet! that'd be awesome. I did a banner sized version of the logo for forcefed flesh, but it could only be a plain black/white one for size, computational power, and printing cost reasons. Thing's gonna be 6''x4''!! Psycho, how big is your banner?
haha, about 2 meters wide :grin:

our bassist's mom is a pro at this shit, she projected a picture of the logo on to a huge black cloth and then traced the lines. then she took a white fabric paint type stuff and filled in the logo, outlining it with a glow in the dark paint! ooooooh :dopey:

we're playing a huge battle of the bands at a state fair on saturday. if we win (which i sorta plan on :loco: ) we're gonna put the prize money towards a professional recording. so hopefully very soon we can get a cd done and ill ship it right out too ya. bout time eh??

and yep nick, embalmed is my band.
I just wanted to say, that logo is killer.

I can only imagine what a 2 meter wide glow-in-the-dark banner of that would look like.

Sorry, guys, I'm still workin on the Tikdoshe one. I've just been swamped with homework and last-minute projects lately. I'll be so glad to get of this hellhole school soon! Don't worry though, the logo is on the way.
TaylorC said:
Sorry, guys, I'm still workin on the Tikdoshe one. I've just been swamped with homework and last-minute projects lately. I'll be so glad to get of this hellhole school soon! Don't worry though, the logo is on the way.
Know how ya feel man. :yell: I kinda need to be in a real specific frame of mind to get my head down and do artwork that needs done, and the imminent psychological pressures of education just don't give much breathing space.
SculptedCold said:
Know how ya feel man. :yell: I kinda need to be in a real specific frame of mind to get my head down and do artwork that needs done, and the imminent psychological pressures of education just don't give much breathing space.

Oh no? *Gets up, opens door, walks through to Dave's room* "So your still doing not much then?"

I'll go unnoticed while he has his 59th UT deathmatch of today. Though I give you an A+ for opening the curtain. :cool:

Personally I preferred the first (of those 2 above) Forcefed Flesh logo you did. Looked better on paper just as a single textured logo.
That's cool, I can wait. My drummer wants to get our logo lasered onto his bass drum next weekend, so hopefully you'll have something done by then. If not, that's cool, he can wait. Here's something I've had made for me, but i'd really like to see what you can come up with too.
