Anyone need some new band logos?

Hey, I think I've missed out on this, but Taylor C- If you want, could you do one for my band "Aegrimonia" ? (See profile). We have that cool logo already, but I'm looking for something without a picture (like the leaf) and just the band name. I'd greatly appreciate it!

BTW- We are black metal! I'm thinking something along the lines of a darkthrone/emperor esque logo.. readable but still interesting!
TaylorC said:
:err: Cripple Decapitation is "brilliant"? Looks like every other pathetic black metal logo I've ever seen. Honestly, SculptedCold, don't try to give me advice when thats what you do for free too.
I didn't actually try to give you any advice about anything. Agreed I was pretentious enough to hijack the thread in my inability to contain my bemusement as to how so many people can be loving/accepting such simple 10-minute jobs under the pretense that it's free (and for that I'd like to apologize), but I wasn't telling you how to go about doing anything.

TaylorC said:
I could've drawn that with my eyes closed. It seems I'm getting tons of requests, so what would make you think people wouldn't pay for these kinds of logos I do?
Because even if they are non-generic in comparison to say, my Cripple Decapitation effort, plain text with editing and effects doesn't in itself look any better or more eye-catching for a band either. While your non-text based Havenless logo has great composition, it.....wait a sec, has a pentagram!!! OH NO!! It's just about doing what the band wants, like you said.

TaylorC said:
and I have to say your Cripple Decapitation one makes me laugh so hard.
That's a shame. Agreed, of my own stuff it is one of the ones I like least, but laughing? Jeez, the worst I did looking at any of your logos was shake my head in sad befuddlement. =(

TaylorC said:
That website you listed also doesn't show up for me.
To rectify, the logo for that (now defunct I guess) one man band was;

Feel free to continue laughing.

[ed]man, I need to get something better than geocities for hosting. time to contact Mark.
you can host stuff off if you want, I hardly use it :)

Oh, and that last logo would be awesome, but you've gone a little too far with the whole completely unreadable thing
Tanith said:
you can host stuff off if you want, I hardly use it :)
Thanks man. I doubt i'll need it though; i've just sent a mail to Mark so hopefully I can start using my UM webspace soon.

Tanith said:
Oh, and that last logo would be awesome, but you've gone a little too far with the whole completely unreadable thing
:lol: It's funny you should say that; the hand-final I scanned was a lot messier and even more unreadable, and that photoshop final is the much goo-reduced version that the guy requested. The D, A, U, T, H are all easily readable, but the middle letters (R, K, T and U) are all difficult because the inverted cross doesn't at first strike you as being a letter, and the other 3 letters are half-formed from the goo and half from the 'spine' like construction holding all the goo. So yeah, it's impossible to read unless you know the band-name....that's just bad design because even when you know where exactly the R, K, or U is, it still doesn't much resemble the shape of them. Bad design.

anonymousnick2001 said:
And he has a point. You didn't have to be so mean about his logo if you didn't like it.
No, it was warranted. I was the one who hijacked the thread and said that I thought his work was tenth-rate. I deserved an angry retort.
henrikmain said:
First of all; I wanted the Cripple Decap logo to be chaotic and almost unreadable like many other death metal and black metal logos. That's what I wanted, and Sculpted sure delivered the goods. I also enjoy a bit of symmetry - and the logo has a beatiful, symmetric feel to it. It's much more interesting than the "Standard font taken from a webpage with 2 PS layers added" ones.

This is another logo made by SculptedCold.. Looks professional and slick:

THATS MY BAND!! :grin:
Felt like posting twice about something totally unrelated to this thread? Sounds like a winner for "n00b awards" to me.

Anyways, sorry about the comments, SculptedCold. I just really dont like the unreadable and cliche black/death metal logos, but you still have some cool ones. Many of the logos I've posted here that you haven't liked have been specifically requested not to be crazy or too metal-looking. My favorites I've done are the Havenless and Embalmed ones so far, but Tikdoshe is coming along very well and I'll post it here sometime today or tomorrow.
That's cool. I'll save it.

But I'm really awaiting TaylorC's if that's okay. It seems like he's putting a whole heap of time into it, and I know it will reflect that.