Anyone play guitar?


New Metal Member
Nov 27, 2005
Scarborough, England
Wondered if anyone else played guitar and if so whats your choice of weapon? I have an 83 strat jap version ( with some "slight" modifications lol) good piece of armour though, has maple body so the sound is sweeeet *addition* granted would sound better if i could play it half decent!! lol
Yeah ive been playing for over 10 years now and have a couple of axe's. 2 Jacksons and a cort. One day i will get my hands on a nice strat!! They always seem to elude me (because i choose something else!)
Yeah i chose a Les Paul before, great sound but the weight distributon on those is awful, all back end, especially as it had a fixed trem arm on :(
:yuk: Oh dear I have a very bad, expensive habit..much worse than drugs....GUITAR...

Have 2 Takamine GTB100, pointy 80's heavy metal full electric guitars
1 Fender Telecaster 72 re-issue custom
1 Takamine GX200 Les Paul shape electric (again 80s.)
1 Ibanez gio bass

and I am in the process of buying more....but will be deciding very soon which are keepers and which to sell on ...if I can bear to part with them...

Keeps me sorta slim tho...:D :D ..
Not quite! I've had one for 25 years and have still got to get round to learning to play it! TBH I'm more of a collector. I've got 8 at the moment. Nothing fancy. A couple of vintage,4 Epi's and a couple of unknowns. I have just purchased the Epiphone Lynyrd Skynyrd 30th Anniversary Edition Goldtop Les Paul for £240 which is a bargain! RRP is £465! I've noticed on ebay there's some new Korean LP copies by Krait (Kraken Guitars) that look stunning. They're only in the £150-£180 bracket. I'm thinking of getting the metallic sunburst finish.The 'tigers eye' finish ain't bad either. I'm might hang on and see what PRS do now Gibson have lost their lawsuit against them. I wouldn't say no to a Tremonti!
I've had in the past a Epiphone Jumbo acoustic, Takamine Santa Fe Electric Acoustic, epiphone Jazz Electric, Fender Tele, Jackson Electric(Can't remember what it was called!!) but due to marraige and kids had to sell them all on, now just have a Fender Acoustic and a Ibanez soundgear Bass. Prob get to sit and play once a month if lucky!!!!!:headbang:
I got a few guitars.

My main guitars are lately a early Tokai Les Paul and a Greco Les Paul that is about the same age... no need to pay overprized Gibsons. :)

I also got 2 cheap "bad weather open air" guitars, nothing special but good work horses.

And my precious Gibson Flying V FF-82 Limited Edition Custom Shop beauty.
DnL said:
Yeah i chose a Les Paul before, great sound but the weight distributon on those is awful, all back end, especially as it had a fixed trem arm on :(

Aye, as much as i like the sound ive never felt comfortable with one, dunno why, other people have really dissagred with me on that, but that 'classic' shape just doesnt fit me right!

To used to my 2 Jacksons , twins of evil they be!!!
:worship: That's great Y'all into guitars..and stuff..well, it follows if you are into music bigtime, then eventually playing happens sometime.

I went to my first gig (highland games) whilst still in my stroller. My dad said I couldn't string a sentence together (still can't) but managed to shout "GO !!!" and throw my arms about to make people move so I could see the bands, so obsessed was I with the pipes/drums. Parents immediately bought a set of mini-pipes for me. That was the start...:headbang:

GAHHHH...meanwhile, yet again, I have a guitar stuck in customs awaiting me to pay a hefty tax charge on it !!!!:yuk: :ill:
Really guitars are beginning to take over my life...
Have a photo session next week and my guitars and 1 of my bands.. ...I hate getting photos taken, but needs must and hopefully it will be fun !! :err:
KellyM said:
And my precious Gibson Flying V FF-82 Limited Edition Custom Shop beauty.

That sounds cool! How is it different from a normal V?

I've been playing for about 12 years now. My main axe is a custom-made B.C. Rich Eagle- phenomenal axe! Also got a used Les Paul Standard that looks pretty much identical to the one Steve Clarke had on the back cover of Def Lep's "On Through The Night." Also, a white Gibson V, which I guard with my life now, since it's been signed by Michael Schenker and Uli Roth. Finally, just got a cheap strat copy on Ebay with a scalloped fingerbaord (Yngwie-style). Surprisingly good guitar for a cheap copy (can't even find an indication of what country it was made in!).

actually Secret_Weapon it it not different at all. :)
It's more like an exact copy of the very first V's in '58.

You can see them HERE

My V is the one with the imitated red rubies.
I got that V for 14 years now, and always thought all FF-82 do have those rubies, but when I found that page I noticed non of the other FF-82 got them...
Took me weeks of mailing and phone calls all over the world to finally get the information from the Gibson Custom Shop that it was produced that way as a single exhibit... which makes it even more precious for me. :)

Beside all the "it's rare" crap, it got an awesomem sound, it's seriously the best guitar I ever put my hands on... beside the typical flaws due to the V shape.
wow, so many flying v owners.
I have one too, i bought an epiphone flying v, neck was wicked, but pickups shit.

However, ive added a wilkinson trem and 2 seymour duncan JBs and its the best thing ive ever played.

Any saxon tabbers here, we could trade tabs?
I sang in a few bands and i had my own mic.Errr it was a black one and i stole a mic stand from another band.I also stole there stash.
I played one gig where i bust 3 mics.But what could i do the bass player was beating up a member of the crowd.
As for guitars i used to have one called an Axe which costme old man about 80 quid in the early 90s.
Another Gibson Flying V here too - a 1979 Tobacco Sunburst.
And a Gibson Explorer same year, same finish
1986 San Dimas-made Jackson Custom Shop Strat - Snakeskin graphic (my fave!!)
1986 San Dimas-made Jackson Custom Shop Dinky Strat. (Fire engine red)
1997 Jackson Firebird (Mint green)
Ibanez RG540S Sabre (Black Cherry)
Ibanez RG540S Sabre (Black)
Ibanez RG550 (Hot pink - !!!!)
BC Rich Warlock 1985 Thru-neck Custom. (Midnight blue)
ESP Mirage 1989 (Natural finish)
Hamer Californian 1990-ish (Dark green)

I agree, it is an expensive habit, and it is like drugs. I just can't stop......
Phew ! Glad that there is someone out there with a bigger habit than mine !!!

I like the explorer and firebird..but just not keen on V's ..though I did see a very obvious vintage one being used in a Fringe theatre production of "Hedwig and the angry inch". in fact the band all had some really fabulous toys (sorry musical instruments)..they were oxford- cambridge students or something...

Anyway, I am in rehab...decided I really only NEED 1 guitar (2 at very most) and 1 bass...anythingelse is excessive...
Hi yeah i got a b.c rich bronze series, the colour is black and i got it as a present of the gf. cool guitar, cant play solos to save me life but rytham wise i got some saxon stuff of priest ac/dc etc etc etc. still looking on the net for more saxon tab exp Lionheart and the eagle has landed.