Guitar-related question about Alexi

I've seen two of those three pictures before, and they can't really count as far as what I was wondering...

The one of him with the Affliction Viper was just for the picture/advertisement. And the one with the cheap Superstrat was just for a thing he did with Roope and a few others where they tested cheap gear and rated it, so beginners could get expert opinion on what was best.

The first picture though, I have no idea.
I'm not sure with this and my brain may fool me, but isn't there an interview on CRY where you can see an ibanez headstock behind the couch?
Maybe I just dreamed this, I'm too lazy to look for the DVD right now :goggly:
I found the pics of the 2 Jackson Dinkys.

They are in CRY photogallery in 2 or 3 pics as i remember. The first where Alexi has the FTR graphiced one and is holding it and studying it and Ale is studying his Hatebreeder graphiced Dinky. Then there is the 2nd pic where Ale and Alexi are posing with those guitars along with a fan.