Anyone Prefer Cubase to Logic.....


Sep 2, 2004
Logic is a sweet program, It hasn't been to tough to learn, but I sure am missing the drum editor I used back when I used Cubase.

Anyone actually prefer Cubase?
Cubase user here. But I don't have anything against Logic at all. Both are great recording apps.
I have got legit versions of PT HD, PT LE, Cubase4, Logic installed.....

Logic is BY FAR the me it looks like this:


just more confusing to use
I can make things work well in Logic, I haven't got into automation and all the synth sounds yet, but I have read the whole manual.

I like the effects a lot-some good tools in there.

The lack of a good drum editor is freakin killing me though.
logic drives me insane, but cubase gives me bad memories and makes me spit blood and get angry just looking at it..
logic drives me insane, but cubase gives me bad memories and makes me spit blood and get angry just looking at it..

Hahaha, please please, don't mince words, tell us how you really feel! :D

And Lasse, have you tried Logic 8? Supposedly it's much more streamlined, but then again, now that you can afford (and have purchased) PTHD, why use anything else? :headbang:
Marcus, 100% correct.

I had Logic 7 for a while and loved the plugins, but HATED the interface.

Logic 8 is MILES me on this. Piece of cake to use.

As far as the drum editor is concerned, Hyper Editor works beautifully as a drum editor/sequencer, etc.

Logic 8 is badass.

Buuut I still work 95% in Cubase. I rely on those drum maps for my own writing!

I need to start dabbling more in Logic, though - stock plugins are bomb as fuck. Only problem is I do all my tracking/mixing on my homebuilt PC via Cubase, as my MBP (2.4 Core2Duo) just isn't quite robust enough to handle mixing. Beautiful for editing and mobile tracking, though!
You know I could dig Logic 8 if it had the drum editor. Maybe I need to dig deep into hyper editor.......seems kinda stupid, how hard would it be to create a simple drum editor for everyone. point, click, your there.

Does EZdrummer/DKFH, SSD, Addictive, or BFD add anything like this. Any step editors that would work with Logic. Kind of a noob at some of this stuff. Been on a Roland VS for quite a few years. When I was on a Mac before in Cubase we didn't have all this stuff-probably would of never switched in the first place if they did.
I haven't tried Logic 8 to be honest.
I don't intend to even give it a chance, given how fucked up the previous versions were.

Yeah, I wouldn't expect you to switch at this point. If you do ever have a chance to check it out in another studio, give it a shot. They really listened to the complaints and made a really solid DAW. It really is night and day.

You know I could dig Logic 8 if it had the drum editor. Maybe I need to dig deep into hyper editor.......seems kinda stupid, how hard would it be to create a simple drum editor for everyone. point, click, your there.

Does EZdrummer/DKFH, SSD, Addictive, or BFD add anything like this. Any step editors that would work with Logic. Kind of a noob at some of this stuff. Been on a Roland VS for quite a few years. When I was on a Mac before in Cubase we didn't have all this stuff-probably would of never switched in the first place if they did.

Check this thread out:

It gives detailed intructions on how to set up Superior 2 in the Hyper Editor. I admit, a bit confusing to set up if you haven't dug very deep into the manual, but once it is set up it's great!

I haven't tried Logic 8 to be honest.
I don't intend to even give it a chance, given how fucked up the previous versions were.

The point is, Logic 8 is a significant improvement over previous versions. :)

reminds me of the geriatric whiners on , endlessly bitching about Logic, and then admitting that the last time they tried it was version 5. funny stuff.
I really prefer cubase. but i mean, we're brought to the classic episode of south park.. we're choosing between a douche and a turd sandwich.

Cubase has a lot of issues, Logic wont run VSTs, protools is expensive, ardour is as stable as iran, (reaper doesn't count) etc.. ie, they all suck.

at the end of the day, some people prefer cubase, some logic, some protools. it's all about what does it for you.
I'll also agree that Logic prior to version 8 was a complete disaster, and almost completely unusable. Version 8 is INCREDIBLE. Very intuitive, etc. I used to use DP for drum editing because the drum grid / editor is SO amazing, but now I find I can be just as fast in the hyper editor in Logic, and Logic's arrange functionality is light years better than DP's, and the included plug-ins (both effects and synths) are fucking amazing.

I will say though, that I am still looking forward to the day when the Logic UI is completely replaced with that gorgeous UI from Soundtrack Pro. Hopefully that will come in Logic 9, but the functionality of the app in v8 is already pretty robust and relatively easy to us.

I was never a fan of Cubase, and it always seemed WAY buggy - at least on the Mac side of the fence. PC Cubase users seem to have better luck.

I never have any crashes in Cubase on the Mac. I only got it to crash once when using a very obscure, ancient freeware plugin that was written for PowerPC chips only on an Intel Mac. It still worked somewhat, just was crash prone.
Logic 8 is a piece of piss to work, and i like the drum editor. I've tried cubase a bit, im not sure which i prefer..if im mixing in mac then logic just because i get absolutely no latency on anything whatsoever - dunno why - better o.s i guess?

Cubase looks ugly...err haha dunno if i can justify my argument like that.

and to top it all off im actually using reaper :p power to the freebies!