Anyone Prefer Cubase to Logic.....

I don't know why is people raving about the drum editor?
I've had sx3, C4 and Logic 8, never used the drum editor on cubase. I always use the grid editor...maybe I got used to do it that way.

I prefer Logic btw
I'm still in Cubase SX3. Solid as my dick.
Come one, somebody tell me why should I change to C5... what marvelous improvements contains?

C4 was a major upgrade over SX3, but C4 was buggy as hell and unusable for many, but C4 was built on an entirely new engine from SX3, built from the ground up. Once a lot of the bugs were worked out of C4, it wasn't bad. Many C4 users were delighted how the new audio engine sounded superior to SX3, especially the built in EQs. Now imagine C5 where all the promises of C4 are finally realized, stable, if not more stable than your dick! ;) and all the new enhancements and features including convolution reverb and one of the best pitch correction plug ins ever. C5 is easily by far the best Cubase ever.
I used cubase SX3 on my old windows pc. then I got the update to cubase 4.
Extrem hardcore cpu usage!!!!
I bought a mac book pro with far superior hardware specs....
But holy shit. Everything worked perfect but NOT cubase 4.
I tried every f**cking thing to get this bitch working, but no success.
I got bloody tears because cubase 4 fucked a 1 day session.
This Session was with an awfull drummer. I saved every 5 min but cubase 4 crashed and everything was gone!!!!!!!!!

So I sold cubase 4 and bought logic 8.
It was like the light at the end of the tunnel!!!!!!!!dudes logic 8 kicks so MAJOR ass, and it is a hell of compatible with the industry standart.

Cubase 5 might be a good (working) program, but steinberg died for me!!!
as far as im concerned its like being asked "would you rather a paper cut on your bell end or a dildo in your ass"
usually i'd be all for PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN etc, but yea.

i've got CS4 at the moment, but i'm really hesitant on getting the upgrade to C5, mainly due to lack of money. do you guys reckon it's worth the money to get C5 then?

was thinking of trying out reaper for a while though.. much more affordable!