Anyone recorded any choral stuff before?


Silent City Studio
Jul 22, 2007

I'm recording a 6 piece Gregorian style choir in a large church in a couple of weeks and was wondering if anyone on here's done anything similar or have any tips?

I was planning on doing all ambient miking but in stages, at increasing distances from the choir, to the back of the hall.

The only mics I have good enough to do this with are: 414, se gemini, stereo pair of c 451 B's, a single c 451 B and 2 rode nt1's.

So I was thinking 451's up front, than "fanning out" with the large diaphragm condensors in an arc, sort of middle of the hall sort of area...

Any ideas?

All good ideas. Just something to keep in mind, be sure you don't record too much ambiance in your closer mics! Maybe even use a super cardioid or something. If you have a ambient mics you can always use more from them, or even use a nice convolution reverb and it will sound great, if you get a ton of reflections in your closest mic/mics you're limiting your choices later on. I didn't learn this from doing it myself, but from assisting on projects by a guy who did tons of classical/new music stuff. He used figure 8 on the session I assisted and afterward wished he had used cardioid. Just something to think about.

That, or the Nordstrom technique.