Anyone running DFHS in Reaper?


Jan 31, 2007
I've been trying to get DFHS to run in Reaper all day Saturday and can't figure it out, in spite of searching the Reaper forum and Toontracks site. :goggly: I've got a midi track running and I'm getting sound but it's only the kick hard panned to the left channel, and the snare hard panned to the right channel. So I'm guessing I need to route the channels correctly now. Anyone know how to do this? Or can you point me in the right direction?

Hi ;) In Reaper, go to the FX Chain on the track you have DFHS added.. In the FX List right click DFHS and select "Build multichannel routing for output of select FX..."
Reaper will then make the multichannel tracks for you. and then you can pan each instrument to your taste :P
Can't your route the midi channels in DFHS for each instrument (kick, snare, ...) to Omni, or channel 1? That should clear it up.