Anyone see Slayer on Fallon?


2. Anthrax could never turn into a small club band, because they always have been one...

3. At least Anthrax always did what they really liked. They never changed their sound in order to make more money or because it was trendy. They felt like doing that stuff with Bush. Props to them for not giving a fuck that some of their "fans" hated them for it.

2. You are a moron. I guess you had never been to an Anthrax gig before John Bush took over. In 1991 they were playing 10,000 seaters and selling them out. I don't know any Club that holds 10k!


3. LMAO. Really? You don't think they changed to sound more 'current' and follow the trends? If you start going in a Grungy direction and then a power groove direction when the popular bands at the time were doing that I'd say you are a follower and NOT a leader. Anthrax changed their music contantly to try and conform to current trends. You are really clueless son
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I have a ton of respect for Slayer. They've stuck to their guns more then any of the other Big Four bands and have still managed to remain relevant. The problem is they just seem to be going through the motions anymore and don't seem like their really into what they're doing. They've went from one of the most exciting live bands on the planet to one of the most boring and predictable. It really looks like they're completely miserable preforming anymore. Kerry King's constant bitching and complaining about everything under the sun doesn't help them either. I know, they're SLAYER, not the Wiggles, but still it just seems like they're missing something anymore.

I completely disagree. I have seen Slayer on every single tour they have done. I can say right now they are playing with more intensity and appear to be into what they are doing more than anything in the past 10 years. They are tearing shit up right now on the American Carnage Tour.

I love World Painted Blood. I think its a classic Slayer album.

They were amazing on Jimmy Fallon.

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is this blasphemy? Kid Rock singing 'South Of Heaven' with a lyrics sheet in Korn's Punch and Judy show.
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That has to be the worst musical "performance" I've ever seen. Those guitar players are fucking shit.

Kid Rock actually made the band seem better, which is pretty incredible.

Korn are shit.
is this blasphemy? Kid Rock singing 'South Of Heaven' with a lyrics sheet in Korn's Punch and Judy show.

If it was Korn that did Slayer im fine with it. But Kid Rock is a total fuckin poser piece of shit. Reading from a piece of paper what the fuck is that. I bet the guys in Slayer got a good laugh out of watching that idiot stand there any try to sing a slayer song.
Each to their own. Kid Rock does what he does, without people thinking he's "metal".

Korn, quite clearly from that vid, can't even play their instruments properly, yet are classed as metal, be it "nu" or whatever. Someone must have forgot metal bands can play their guitars well!

As for Kid Rock being a poser? Wasnt it Johnathon Davis that used to kick around in Adidas tracksuits and shite like that, with HIV or AIDS or whatever it was tattooed on his fucking cock? Ultimate teenage poser.
At least Kid Rock has some fun tunes.
Each to their own. Kid Rock does what he does, without people thinking he's "metal".

Korn, quite clearly from that vid, can't even play their instruments properly, yet are classed as metal, be it "nu" or whatever. Someone must have forgot metal bands can play their guitars well!

As for Kid Rock being a poser? Wasnt it Johnathon Davis that used to kick around in Adidas tracksuits and shite like that, with HIV or AIDS or whatever it was tattooed on his fucking cock? Ultimate teenage poser.
At least Kid Rock has some fun tunes.

I don't really care for Korn either. But at least they are innovators of their style of music. Like it or not like it, they are the ones that pretty much started that style of music. I do like their first album a lot. I really can't stand anything Kid Rock has ever done.

The musicians in Korn are actually really good, except for fieldy the bass player isn't so good. Munky is a really good guitar player. But if I never heard them again or Kid Rock again my life would be just fine
I don't really care for Korn either. But at least they are innovators of their style of music. Like it or not like it, they are the ones that pretty much started that style of music. I do like their first album a lot. I really can't stand anything Kid Rock has ever done.

The musicians in Korn are actually really good, except for fieldy the bass player isn't so good. Munky is a really good guitar player. But if I never heard them again or Kid Rock again my life would be just fine

The musicians in Korn are really good? Did you hear them trying to play South of Heaven? It's not a hard riff that, and they managed to make it sound wooden and stilted, like they'd never heard it until the day of that show.

Kid Rock's "Cowboy" is a great tune BTW, better than any shite Korn have ever done.

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