Anyone still into buying albums!?

My latest purchases were:

Tarot - Crows Fly Black
Amon Amarth - The Avenger
Eluveitie - Spirit
Pyramaze - Legend of the Bone Carver
Amorphis - Silent Waters

I think I'm up to 70 albums now... must collect more!
only reason I post here from time to time is to try to keep up with mr. Rabbit, I seem to fail though, hehe.

Nifelheim - Nifelheim
Nifelheim - The Devil's Force
Dead Congregation - Graves Of The Archangels
Necrovation - Breed Deadness Blood
Lugubrum - De Vette Cuecken
Fluisterwoud - Langs Galg En Rad
Atlantean Kodex - The Pnakotic Demos
Redimoni - The Onset Of Chaos
Desekrator - Metal For Demons
Enforcer - Enforcer EP
Pagan Altar - Mythical And Magical Die Hard DLP
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane re-release DLP
Dissection - The Somberlain re-release DLP
Sadogoat - Scourging The Son Of God EP
Haven't posted here in a month and I'm too lazy to check if I've already added one or two of these. These are the ones in my "news" shelf at least. Some have been sorted into alpabethic order already so I can't remember all.

Ereb Altor - By Honour
Fall of the Idols - The Seance
Dismember - Dismember
Testament - The Gathering
Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted
In Flames - A Sense of Purpose
Heathen - Breaking the Silence
Amon Amarth - Vs the World
Naglfar - Sheol
Obituary - End Complete/World Demise
Vader - Litany
Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract/Passage to Arcturo
Gorefest - Soul Survivor
Cannibal Corpse - Tomb of the Mutilated
Cannibal Corpse - The Bleeding
Cannibal Corpse - Kill
Sepultura - Chaos AD
Sepultura - Roots
Airdash - Both Ends of the Path
Dark Tranquillity - The Gallery
Kreator - At the Pulse of Kapitulation DVD + CD
Misfits - American Psycho
Misfits - Famous Monsters
Cryhavoc - Sweetbriers
Yngwie Malmsteen - The Seventh Sign
Running Wild - 20 Years in History
Hypocrisy - 10 Years...
Night in Gales - Towards the Twilight
Night in Gales - Thunderbeast
Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast
Helloween - Walls of Jericho
Strebers - Till en Vän
The Crown - Possessed 13
Winterlong - The Second Coming
Master - Master
The Beatles - 1
Carrion - Evil is There
Meshuggah - ObZen
Be'Lakor - The Frail Tide
Rush - Exit Stage Left
Rush - A Show Of Hands
Rush - All The World's A Stage
Why would it be weird? My parents have always, since I was like 8, bought me a metal album (vinyls in the early days, cds now) for my bday. It's tradition :)

The reason for people buying me metal cds for present (or christmas gift for that matter) is simply because that's all I want. What Stefan wants is what Stefan gets :lol:

My mother actually said this year that she was going to buy a lawnmover instead since I just got a new house with a huge backyard, but realised that all I want is a good cd :lol: She was right ;)
How can you be 28 and still getting metal CD's as bday presents?!

Sorry that just comes across as kinda weird to me:ill:

Awesome but weird all the same

What's wrong with that? I'm 30 and I still get metal CDs for birthday and christmas presents!

Oh yeah, and:

Ensiferum - Victory Songs
Finntroll - Ur Jordens Djup
Saxon - Wheels Of Steel and Strong Arm Of The Law
My recent purchases

Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings +++++
Iced Earth - The Dark Saga +++++
Iced Earth - Something Wicked This Way Comes ++++
Iron Maiden - Seventh Son +++++
Dream Theater - Scenes from a Memory ++++
Grave Digger - 25 To Live (Not arrived yet)
Virgin Steele - Invictus +++++
Opeth - Blackwater Park ++++
Running Wild - 20 Years in History (Not arrived yet)
Judas Priest - Painkiller ++++
Electric Wizard - Witchcult Today (US edition)
Voivod - Katorz
Voivod - Dimension Hatröss
Textures - Silhouettes
Kiske - Past in Different Ways
Moonspell - Night Eternal
Moonspell - Wolfheart (original cd release)
Alchemist - Tripsis
Sabaton - Attero Dominatus
Sepultura - Live in Sao Paolo
Apathy - A Silent Nowhere
Funeral Throne - Nihil Sine Diabolvs
Sacrifice - Soldiers of Misfortune
Executer - Rotten Authorities