Anyone still into buying albums!?

My last few have been an odd bunch:

Orphaned Land - Mabool (Israeli doom metal. Curiouser and curiouser, but bloody good.)

Orphaned Land - The Beloved's Cry

Korpiklaani - Korwen Kuningas (I had the press copy as a download and it won't copy onto CD, meaning I needed a hard copy to play on my stereo. Got a new track about a rabbit god that isn't on the press version. Woo.)

Jeana Leslie and Siobhan Miller - In A Bleeze (folk duo I saw at Cropredy)

Whapweasel - Colour (Another one from Cropredy and more of a live band, but there are some gems on the album)

Apocalyptica - Plays Metallica
last one for me was Maligno - Universevil during their presentation last week of few bands i can be proud of from my country hehe
I've probably bought at least 100 cds since my last post here but I don't have the energy to list them all. Today however I got the V/A - 20 years of covering the extremes compilation that CM released recently. Pretty cool stuff although I only dig about 10 songs out of more than 30. Dark Tranquillity's cover of Sentenced's "Broken" is very cool. Zimmers Holes cover of "Doommaker" (Old Man's Child) and Wolf's version of "Alma Mater" (Moonspell) also kick ass. I was hoping for a Krisiun version of "Battle Metal" though. That would've been awesome! :) Or Turisas doing something by Krisiun :)
100? o.O
where the hell do you take all the money from?
I am happy when I can afford like 2 cds or 3 a month LOL
I use all money I have to spare on music. I don't earn much money (I'm a teacher) and my fiancée studies at the University. Plus we have a 4 year old daughter, so we are definitely no millionaires :) All the money I DO have I spend on music though. I suppose I buy roughly 15-20 cds per month, sometimes more. Last month I bought 48 new cds :zombie: These of course also include cheap ones that I bought off Tradera/Ebay and such.
woow! thats cool
i hardly get 5 per month O_O but well i also use all money to spare in music, concert tickets t-shirts and taxi to back home XD

My last purchases were Scorpions - Humanity for a friend, Kamelot - Ghost Opera (second Coming), Children of Bodom - Hatebreeder special edition
@Mr. Lapin Kulta
wow, okay, thats the reason then *laughing*
I am spending too much money on all of the stuff like gigs, travelling and cds -.- going to school and working is difficult looking at my shedule, so ofte I work from 6pm until 2am, get home at 3 and get up at 6 again...
@Mr. Lapin Kulta
well, it´s not like I´d pay for all gigs XD working as press (and then gaining the chance to get in for free without working often) saves loads of money, but...
well, i dont like germany so I have to travel in a way to be happy ^^
The CDs i both in the last few weeks are

Amon Amarth - Twilight of the Thundergod
Slayer - God hates us all
Keep of Kalessin - Agnen: A Journey Through the Dark
I seem to never buy one cd at a time. I went a week ago to pick up Enslaved's Vertebrae and ended up with:
Nachtmystium - Assassins
Daylight Dies - Lost to the Living
Swallow the Sun - Plague of Butterflies

by the by, all four are amazing. Vertebrae being album of the year.
I seem to never buy one cd at a time.

it´s not i am doign that often either, but i just wanted that cd and since the last time i was in the shop they didnt have it, i went there again to pick up my reserved cd XD
I've bought Metallica-Black album 'cause my old one got broken
and COB-Bloddrunk

and few days ago my metallicas coffin box set arrived